lol i'm hip with that (south street !!!!!!!!!! rock

start a thread just bashing me and put it in the offtopic section .
hell , i'll even sanction it; that way someone who started a thread with a real subject doesn't have to pile through a bunch of back and forth replies going back and forth to find a reply about themselves.
hell, get pyro to start it, he loves me.
but memo before you do........we used to do this on the corner of nutt and washington all day and all night when i was a kid; it was called dozens back then. two guys would step up and bust each other's balls until either you got tired of it or someone gave up. it was a good thing because the only rule was you weren't allowed to hold grudges. it was a good thing because there weren't too many fights among us on the 2nd avenue, oh we used to beat the snot out of those aholes.
i see it in lights, "PKM is an A-Hole" blink-blink blink-blink