whats up with all the dumb people in this game? -
08-16-2002, 06:19 PM
Im getting sick and tired of all the peeps that like to start stuff in rooms, like if they kill you they'll make a big deal about it. I mean i've been playing on-line games since Quake Arena and CS, the OLD CS where you can zoom in with the M-16. In all of those games people would be a joy to play with, and not a discomfort. What do you think about it? Do you think this has been around sence the dino age...or did it just come up?? M16:
*sigh* today me & a bunch of people made a huge tower in distroyed village in the church & before i could take the screen shot some loser ran in with a shot gun killing everyone...we had about 10 people in the tower too.. damn saten worshipers mad:
The general attitude in this online game, seems distinctly rotten, for some reason. Maybe because it's much slower in pace than the older games. You had little time for much trash talking back then. Maybe the average age is lower. I don't know. I use a smaller font to lessen the physical size of all the talk and chatter on the screen. I have removed alot of audibles from the PAK files, so I don't hear the incessant built-in rants. I'm trying, and learning to ignore it all. As long as there's online killing and destruction, I'll still be there.
I think it's inevitable. Thankfully I always have admin rights so I just kick A-Holes. Hehe.
Man a 10 person tower! I think the highest we have got is 7. I think we have a screenie though. I wonder if a 30 man tower is possable....Hmmmm.... biggrin:
I agree i hate those idiots that ruin the expereice for everyone, oh and in the tower u might be able to get more if u stack like 1 played crouches whilw the other jump on top of him, u might be able to fit more cool:
im one of those people. i always start fights, but i cant help it. if someones camping with a shotgun u bet u goiung to hear me freak cause i mean come on.. does it take alot of skill to sit there and click a button? i hate shotgun campers.. they can burn in hell..pussies hake: specially clans that do it. i mean come on... is that the only way u can get kills?
well heres my VALUED opinion: start fights, start up shit, i dont care. all i know is i'im here to have fun, and i know i have fun when i kill one of those pussies who is cocking off or starting up shit. the more the merrier for me. i definately love to arrange those bastards meeting with CyberGod. angel: M16:
heh... it dont matter when they start acting like they think theyre god... just take a pistol and bash em.. THEN i bet they wont start bragging then... fire2:
never seen it only been called a cheater r something ,and u kids still make them towers and yell at people who just want to play a game like u own the server.i believe its a vote thing j/k,but thats why aa.com server be dead latly,most people dont want to be forced in to a game of soccer,or duels,or towers the game is about killing.
Come check out the Fighting For Freedom server. Our server is dedicated 24/7 with a great amount of work put into for fun and respect. We run the CKR mod, ff is on, we run roundbased and objectivebased maps, Autokicker is running, Language Filter in use, and a server ban. bat file to keep away banned players. If your banned on our server it is for life
Our webpage: geocities.com/freesoldiers (good place to check out server rules)
The olny time someone will make fun of u cause he or she killed u because that person isnt usted to getting any kills so they are so happy about the 1 they get
[quote="aNti hEro":678b5]im one of those people. i always start fights, but i cant help it. if someones camping with a shotgun u bet u goiung to hear me freak cause i mean come on.. does it take alot of skill to sit there and click a button? i hate shotgun campers.. they can burn in hell..pussies hake: specially clans that do it. i mean come on... is that the only way u can get kills?[/quote:678b5]
Actually, you sound like the pussy. Shut up and fight.
i know wot u all mean. ull get sum arse coming on thinkin he owns ur server and they never stop typing. because i normally just host i may have a slight advantage even though only let people under 100ping in but i still get dicks moanin that i cheat, they all think theyre the bees knees but when they play sum1 better than em they get abusive n acuse that u cheat. I find that a good kick shuts em up.