How the heck you do it!!!! I don't last 1 minute on easy. The ducking doesn't help it's like the nemy is firing at just me and not my guys!!! HELP! cry: cry: cry:
alright first of it dont have to rush through the mother fucker. 2nd of all, i have no problems when i duck, but you always have to be behind a beach obstacle....i promise you wont get hit. another tip.. dont go far ahead of your team or you are bound to hit a land mine. other then that i find the mission to be particularly easy. i dont really know what else to say...make sure your sound is turned up because thats how i tell if i'm being shot at or not...other then that just take cover and move slowly...dont wander out in the open. good luck!! cool:
Location: "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education"
08-17-2002, 03:12 PM
1) Run off the boat to the nearest obstacle.
2) wait for the machine gun to stop firing at you.
3) run to the next obstacle and duck.
4) repeat above until you reach near the shingle.
If you go to the right towards the beach, you'll find a medic, as well as one at the shingle. You have to have patience, and not run through expecting to make it without stopping and taking cover.