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Console Military Shooters Military shooters game on Xbox, PS2 or GameCube.

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Down With Xbox
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Default Down With Xbox - 08-08-2002, 03:11 PM

who is the Adolf Hitler of Console Gaming, yes his name is Bill Gates

Don't turn to his Dictatorship ways.......Sony won your hearts, where Microsoft failed

Stay with Sony and Nintendo, the console Gamings Allied Forces

Your an idiot...
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Default Your an idiot... - 08-16-2002, 04:33 PM

I own all three systems and my brother has a good computer... quit being a little gay fanboy and get the X-Box... why not... it has good games as well... sure not as much as the Playstation 2 does but it has at least the same amount of good games as the Gamecube... quit being such a queer.

bigzooka: angel: That's what I'll do to you, you big homo.
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Default XBOX SUCKS - 08-17-2002, 10:47 AM

PS and Nintendo have benn here a hell of alot longer thatn XBOX. All of a sudden, this new game system appears out of nowhere, with sucky games, and a case the size of texas, and they want us to like it??????????? XBOX is freakking huge, and for what, a suped up processor, and...............? XBOX cant evern play DVD's, PS2 can right off the bat, and Gamecube can with a few extras. So dont go talking about how good XBOX is, unless you have proof to back it up.
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Default 08-17-2002, 02:25 PM

anyways, Gamecube while looking at whats coming up......well blows BOTH systems away in games

All I hear for Xbox is how good Halo is......ONE GAME OOOOOOO........

anyways Nintendo makes well if you look at gamespot games that ALWAYS get high ratings

and PS2 has the best third party support

anyways, Lets say a game is on all 3 systems, if you "care" about graphics over gameplay hey choose the xbox version, but in lets say the football games they say if you want perfect control buy the Ps2 version

Xbox is for people who really care about graphics over Gameplay

Snes is my favourite system.....2D games at their peak

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Default Re: XBOX SUCKS - 08-17-2002, 04:35 PM

[quote="[5th SS]Lt. Krueger":cdeab]PS and Nintendo have benn here a hell of alot longer thatn XBOX. All of a sudden, this new game system appears out of nowhere, with sucky games, and a case the size of texas, and they want us to like it??????????? XBOX is freakking huge, and for what, a suped up processor, and...............? XBOX cant evern play DVD's, PS2 can right off the bat, and Gamecube can with a few extras. So dont go talking about how good XBOX is, unless you have proof to back it up.[/quote:cdeab]

You seem mighty ignorant considering the fact that XBox can play DVD's with a $30 add-on... and well the GameCube can not play DVD's at all because it is soooooo small. Just because you can not afford a system doesn't mean you should go out and make fun of it. Get the systems first before you talk about them. I say the PlayStation 2 is the best out of all of them (right now anyways). And I do have all the systems so I can make this statement. The GameCube does have good games coming up for it and as well as all the other systems.

Playstation 2 well... it has SOCOM coming up for it... as well as a bunch of other online games and it has the most good games out right now for a Next-Gen type system.

The GameCube has Mario, Zelda, and Metroid coming up and I'm sure there are a few extras in there.

The XBox has Halo 2, the Shenmue series, Tribes 2 (or something like that), and Splinter Cell (it is coming out for all systems but XBox a year ahead.... Don't say crap because I know you bought the Playstation 2 partly for MGS2 which is coming out for XBox pretty soon). And well the size.... it is pretty huge.... but it comes with a Brodband Modem thing, a Harddrive and it is about 2 times as fast as the other systems: Playstation 2 - 300 Mhz; GameCube - 400 Mhz; XBox - 733 Mhz.... the reason for me writing more about XBox is... well the fact that everyone seems to hate it before they know anything about it. And the biggest downfall for the XBox is the controller... the new Type S controller is good though... you should try it out.

They all have good games and they are all good systems so stop these fanboyish remarks - EXAMPLE: XBOX SUCKS - and look at things before you start making fun of a system. They are all good and don't make fun of one of them because you can't afford them all...

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish." -- Euripides
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Default 08-17-2002, 07:00 PM

PS2 and Xbox use a CPU chip where a Gamecube uses an MPU chip which makes it's 400 mgz actually seem around the same as Xbox

most of the reason it doens't need a harddrive to have NO LOAD TIMES

anyways, Gamecube is good in the way they didn't give a shit about anything then console gaming, they didn't care about DVD or any other features it is a pure game console

Anyways I don't give a shit about DVD I ahve a DVD player and it totally kills the one in PS2 and also is better then the Xbox one (Xbox is much better then the PS2 though)

Anyways I go this way

Nintendo has Nintendo First Party games and the Resident Evil series

PS2 has most of Konami (well more then on most systems) more Capcom, definally more Square (Sony owns 18% of it). and is first to go online and by the reviews for the football games that it is really good (Xbox live in november will be awesome too)

Xbox has Halo......Shenmue will always be DC at heart......I don't care DC is amazing......Halo 2.......Spliter Cell, MGS2 substance ....will also be PS2 but much later......anyway if you own the PS2 version it is a waste, I really liked Raiden I found him to be pretty hilarious and added something really good to the game.

All 3 systems are great........but Zelda Ocarina of Time being easilly the best Adventure game ever made.......goldeneye is funner then Halo in my Nintendo and Rare are really high class

Ps2 = single player, RPG mostly

GC = more adventure, best FPS if Rare deciodes to make some

Xbox = More "American" based games

Japan will always be king in my book.......keep it up nintendo, konami, capcom and square(more gameplay less cutscenes...hear me SQUARE...we want another Chrono GAME and an FF more like 7 and 6 and another game like TACTICS....HEAR ME)

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Default 08-18-2002, 01:02 PM

OK i have a PS2 and it is good my next door neighbour has a XBOX and my brother has a Gamecube,

i find the gamecube pretty kool as it is small the discs are kool and it has one of the best surround systems ive seen and its cheap £150

the PS2 has a brilliant selection of games shame about the FAN noise and to go on the net (which i carnt wait for) you will have to buy an adaptor the PS2 is getting a hardrive soon as well not a bad price at £200

the XBOX i dont really like it because of its size and price i mean is it not wnought that you have payed out £299 but then you have to buy an adaptor to play DVD's which is £30 BUT it has a hardrive built in and an Broadband modem which is kool i also do not like the controler its to big and bulky but i have seen the new one and it is much better

well that my opion but the PC is still one of the best gaming machines around as well!

l8rz Fear!
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Default 08-23-2002, 06:30 PM

I think they are all good as long as you don't mind playing games in low resolution. Yes ps2 has more games, but it has been around for a year longer. The fact that you guys are arguing about this makes you all petty and childish. Get a life.
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Default 08-23-2002, 10:26 PM

Originally Posted by cmelton
I think they are all good as long as you don't mind playing games in low resolution. Yes ps2 has more games, but it has been around for a year longer. The fact that you guys are arguing about this makes you all petty and childish. Get a life.
voicing our opinions

maybe what we say will sway someone to buy a system

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Default 08-24-2002, 08:31 PM

Weren't we supposed to quit this fanboy crap a long time ago?
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Default 08-25-2002, 12:15 AM

Not being a fanboy or anything, but why do people hate the XBOX controller? Do I have abnormally big hands that fit comfortably, or are people just being stupid? I play HALO alot at my friends and we hook up another friends and have 4 on 4 CTF. So much fun. The twin joysticks just work well. (I guess I started being a fanboy right there oOo: )
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Default 08-25-2002, 07:08 AM

Please read the rules.
Play nice or I will be forced to lock this thread..

sorry it's in my contract with Dodd biggrin:

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Default 08-29-2002, 12:55 PM

Well, i just bought a Gamecube, and its great, i got one game with it so far, rougue Squadron and the gfx are absolutely superb. I'm not a fan boy, i like PS2 and X-Box, they all have excellent games, and each has their own merits, why dont you all just quit whining and get the one that suits you?
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Default 08-29-2002, 04:51 PM

oh yeah and pyro, i agree with you on most points. Yes, X-Box has the superior hardware, and this is not a dig but superior hardware doesnt make a good computer, otherwise why would anyone own consoles, cuz come on lets face it, PC's are always going to be king as far as gfx are concerned. Its innovative and exciting games that make a console. Personally im more excited about the prospects of the games i will play on my GC than i have been about anything on my PC for a long time. I also agree that sony will have the most square, but theres an FF coming for GC so who cares tbh? they have ff X complete with free roaming world map, i mean wtf is up with that? then there'll be FF Xl, online which in my opinion defeats the whole purpose of FF which is to engrose the player in a great storyline, which online throws out the window to a certain extent. Resident Evil and Resident Evil 0 are conforimed for GC and so are 2,3 and Code Veronica as far as i know. There will be great games out for all systems and i admit im biased towards GC as i have one, but if you think X-Box/PS2 is best for you, go buy long as you enjoy it thats all that matters...
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Default 08-31-2002, 01:24 PM

all I have to in a discussion it seems that the only Xbox game that is ever used is Halo...

btw Darkhound...Rogue Squadron is a 64 game, I believe you mean Rogue Leader

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