looking for a gun- a killing gun -
05-01-2005, 04:00 PM
http://medalofhonor.filefront.com/potd/7979 is the link to the picture of a gun, not in the guys hands, in the allied guys hands, and i would like to know if anyone had a link to the file, the link that the guy posted doesnt work anymore and i cant understand the site
its the m4a1 pulse rifle that they use in the movie aliens they riped that model from quake 3 ...... i have this model if ur interested im working on making the panel on the left side light up with unreadable symbols lol
some one i think did this but i took it out of quake 3 and put it in moh n i gave it a animated panel with flashing crap ill release it to http://www.mohfiles.com but for some reason its not working for me or any other file front website ??
yeah, the link you gave me chris, thanks and all but it's no good to me, i cant use fileplanet, for some reason, i cant get an account there so please send it to mohfiles
i said that link was for the pic simply
ask n i will magicly finsh converting the rifle for mohaa
n if u got a sound ill throw it on there
also its gonna have a screen on it left side so in first person u can see the panel with lights like in the movies
well actualy, i dont think it needs the glowing pannels, i mean, from the picture on the mohfiles site alown makes it look good that way, i mean if someoen can jsut get me the skin that works, doesnt have to light up, i would be very thankful