From what I'v picked up from these forums. It is determined by the distance to the server. The farther your packets have to travel the higher the ping. The only fix I've heard for this is to change ISP's to one that has a server closer to your location.
For people running a Nvidia card. download and install a refresh fix program.
I will post the link when I get home.
What happens is, even though your video card and monitor can handle high refresh rates, Windows drops it down to 60Hz. With this program you can retain the high Hz and squeak out 4-8 FPS
As far as ping is concerned if u havent already gone, go to [url:195ff][/url:195ff] and do the tests/tweaks in their our tools section ..... u might find somthing there to get a few less ns ... (should work for cable and dsl) biggrin:
MTU is 1500. I did a speed test on and it said i have to drop my mtu to 1492 i think. I did another refresh and my rate is on 85 now! ed: ed: Oh btw i run a gf2mx400 on 32 bit color 1024x768 and i ran a laggy map and i was surprised that i could actually move around and not watch my fps drop!
latency and FPS are not necessarily related ..... FPS is really to do with the performance of your system .... deciding factors are usually ram and display adapter ..... on an old machine i have played on i had a 50 ping and 17 fps