Is there working cheats in mohaa? -
08-20-2002, 01:02 PM
I am a admin in my own dedicated server. I play mohaa 2 to 3 hours every night for the last 4 months. People accuse me of cheating. I am against cheating in any way. People say there are working cheats out for mohaa but i dont believe that. If there are working cheats out can someone email me and tshow me proof, cause if there are i want to learn as much as i can on how to detect them. Some one please prove to me that theres not any?
Thanks GUys, Thats the answer i was hoping for....I always tell these guys who accuse me of cheating to prove that there are cheats out and they say "well if i told you everyone would go get them and start using them" and i tell them that the only people that accuse people of cheating are noobs.....
Altough currently there probably aren't any cheats/aimbots/hacks we must remain vigilant and never underestimate the "1337" hacker fags, these assholes with too much damn time on their hands could still lead to MOHAA's undoing.
Also, get dogmeat's mapfix for your server so no one can go under maps.
Well post number 2 I should be up to 3 in few weeks. There are a few cheats out there mainly wallhacks, doorhacks, sunremoval and few others but I am not going to name them as one of them in my mind anyway does give an advantage over everyone else. Not a huge a advantage if ur good. I wont name it because I dont want people doing internet searches for it. Rudedog is already aware of the location of these. Relax with the talent around here any cheats I believe will be quickly defeated just keep up to date with the news.