Yes, i've seen this movie. It is the BIGGEST piece of GARBAGE i've ever witnessed in my life.
Does anyone know who the crazy ugly bitch is? Her name is never shown through out the film, her credentials are never shown. The only place you can find her name is in the credits. Her name is Ramtha.
She runs a school called Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, AKA a cult.
[quote:c3417]Ramtha is a warrior-spirit who is alleged to have lived 35,000 years ago in the legendary civilization of Lemuria. J.Z. Knight, a woman from Tacoma Washington, claims that she has served as Ramtha's channel since 1977. Ramtha first appeared to her while she was in business school and having experiences with UFO's. She claims that he came to "'help her over the ditch of (human) limitation." He then began tutoring her, and continued to do so for two years. In that time, Ramtha's spirit is said to have taught J.Z. Knight everything from science to theology, as well as how to have out of body experiences.
Knight decided to go public only after performing what she claims is a miracle. Her son Brandy developed what she refers to as an allergic reaction to life. Sadly, he was also allergic to allergy shots. Yet, Ramtha came again to teach Ms. Knight therapeutic touch. With a combination of prayer and touch she cured Brandy in seconds.[/quote:c3417]
The film was funded by her cult. Don't know about you, but this is not a film I would take seriously after digging a little deeper.
The film had good ideas, but the film definitely does not present fact. Don't believe everything you see and hear.