LoL, im not a noob dawg. I know about real or winamp or rio port or wmp or any of those. I just know that there were people that made a mp3 specifically for mohaa and you push like "o" and it plays a song. Then u push "p" and it plays a dif song. And those same keys turns it off too. And are u talkin about the read me in the game? If so, ill look and see, thanks.
shit bro here you go ok I forgot who made this script but it works ok I hope they dont get mad for me putting it up but damn you need some tune great job to the man that did it ok copy all this and put it in your custom config file (I think it was bedford)
/// mp3
//Set-up command (alias) for each song
alias Song1 "playmp3 main\Song1.mp3;bindstop"
alias Song2 "playmp3 main\Song2.mp3;bindstop"
alias Song3 "playmp3 main\Song3.mp3;bindstop"
alias Song4 "playmp3 main\Song4.mp3;bindstop"
alias Song5 "playmp3 main\Song5.mp3;bindstop"
alias Song6 "playmp3 main\song6.mp3;bindstop"
//include abililty to stop
alias bindstop "bind ins musicstop;bind home musicstop;bind pgup musicstop;bind del musicstop;bind end musicstop;bind pgdn musicstop"
alias musicstop "stopmp3;musicback"
//re-assign buttons so song can be played again
alias musicback "bind ins Song1; bind home Song2;bind pgup Song3;bind del Song4;bind end Song5;bind pgdn Song6;"
//Set-up first-time bindings
bind ins "Song1"
bind home "Song2"
bind pgup "Song3"
bind del "Song4"
bind end "Song5"
bind pgdn "Song6"
now just rename six of your favorite songs and put them in main and you got tunes man