sorry for double post, but WhiteEcko, that link doesnt work, i did the save as(to the computer) and it didnt work still, when i clicked the link it said try again later
Try it again. Because I just tried it, and it works fine...
I would like to make one. But because of my nooby editing skillz i am forced to only edit .tgas in the PK3s. I tried Lightray3d But it isn't working for me.
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The best place to start would be at our site map.
try this... it's the 12th one down on the right....
As for that: Screw You, You S.O.B the_finger: ban: spam2: plzdie: stupid:
Another it doesn't have to be a spcific real life gun. It could be modeled atfer the one on the guy. Its smimlar to the hun the guy is holding. If you guys can't handle it then it's fine do away with my annnoying post. stupid:
that kinda responce to a otherwise decent question is uncalled for
i would think people would flame him for posting this anywhere else but here dread head posts like once a week and mostly negative stuff
try n contribute something worth posting
that kinda responce to a otherwise decent question is uncalled for
i would think people would flame him for posting this anywhere else but here dread head posts like once a week and mostly negative stuff
try n contribute something worth posting
Shut your mouth. Dreadhead has done more the MOH:AA modding community then you have.
If you're not requesting something or not fulfilling a request, don't post.
can someone make me the h&k ump [img][/img] or a johnson rifle [img][/img]