Now don't start flaming me for this cause I still LOVE MOHAA, but I have to admit, for all of it's faults it was pretty fun. I don't know if your talking about the Single Player demo(weak) or Multi Player demo. I like the ability to fly(even though you can go backwards), drive vehicles, and fire artillery and anti-aircraft.
Just my thoughts though. Go easy on the flaming! biggrin:
Ok, you have a very good point although there are only so many vehicles and only so many people can ride/drive in them. Considering the size of the map it it makes getting from point a to point b much faster then running. And you can always set bobby traps( heh heh I said "booby") for them along the road!!
Just my thoughts!
By the way I almost wet myself when I saw what you put for your location!!! biggrin:
I personally love BF1942. But I do not put it in the same class as MOH. I put BF1942 up against WWII online and OFP.
It's a fun game for me with different game play. I will not be leaving MOH for BF1942. This is the first time in a long time that 2 games will installed on my computer at the same time.