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TFF Darkstar is Offline
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Default CHEATERS.. and HACKERS! - 08-21-2002, 07:53 PM



It's come to my attention in the last few days, that a group of Independent Hackers, from Bosnia, are causing problems in our humble MoH community. This, with the recent rise in wallhacks and 'aimbots' suposedly in use, Our MoH community seems to be falling apart before it can even start.

That is why I am here to call on those who have the power to stop this. The people with the knowledge to prevent cheating and hackers alike. (More about the hackers later).

Now, we all know that EA analy raped everyone who had hopes for an early community by doing away with 2015 from the start. (Hence the low amount of patches and such). Because of this, cheaters alike have had ample chances to find ways around the system. It's now reaching a point where some clans threaten to leave the MOH community as a result. THIS CANNONT HAPPEN.

So I'm calling on anyone who has the ability to help fight this.. speak up! I know it is hard to fight cheats. Anti-cheats are very time consuming to create. But we have to do something. The only way we can have a MoH community... is to stand together and unite against this. Either we stand up to EA... or we work together and get this thing under control. We can't turn into cs.

Plus, now we have bosnian hackers shutting down forums (php) of some clans. We need to rid of them as well. [url:1ff97][/url:1ff97]. They have claimed over 30 clan forums in the last week. !!!

--What can you do to help... Well, many things. For example.. could delete psots ASKING for hackers to unite .... .. ie: HACKERS WANTED.... ...

This is my first post here, or on any of the forums in the community. I havent been very active, but when I see the only chance of a MoH community slipping away.. I have to stand up!

-TFF Darkstar-
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Default 08-21-2002, 08:13 PM

silly bosnia
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Wolf-Man is Offline
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Default 08-21-2002, 08:16 PM

Do they have computers in Bosnia?

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Translocated Potato is Offline
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Default 08-21-2002, 11:14 PM


like this

fire2: zooka: oOo: M16: M16:

and this eatthis:

hell why not kill them with swords to swordfight:
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 12:32 AM

uh... you said they arent releasing patches for the game. how exactly do you think an anti-cheat system would be implemented on a wide enough scale to be of any deterrant to cheaters?

if there are no official patches being released for the game then any fixes for cheats cannot be applied to servers. if these fixes cannot be applied to servers then there is no fix at all.

MoH also shipped without online verification of the CD-key... so unlike CS if you did cheat and did get caught nothing happens. you are still able to play the game and cheat again and again and again.

anyways a few regulars here have got fed up and demanded that if you wanna talk about "knowing" aimbots are being used then you supply a working copy. seems fair enough. so until this is done all we can do is wait for the release of the SDK that will turn this game into a sub-mongoloid version of CounterStrike Cheater Edition.

So while youre killing time waiting for this game to turn into a smoking pile of cheat filled shit...... take some time out to sign the petition for EA to release the SDK. Why wait any longer for cheats? Sign it now!

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Default 08-22-2002, 12:35 AM

ps. Im now taking bets on whether the said hacked PHP forums had been updated to the latest version when they were hacked.

What? Apply patches and version updates as soon as they're released? Hacked how?

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TFF Darkstar is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 02:40 AM

The SDK is being release with the Expansion... ...

Remix, Did you not notice the 'suposed' aimbots. The only thing close to aimbots, hardly work, and only really log onto colors... which means u really aren't getting a step up.

The only way anything is going to be prvented is to get the community together. Thats all I'm really suggesting. I realize that stepping up and creating anti-cheats are hard as hell, almost impossible. But in order to have any form of community... we have to do something. Get EA's attention... AND IT IS POSSIBLE!

-- If I'm about to release an expansion to one of my best selling games... and all of a sudden the community for this game.. the people who ARE PLAYING it... say they won't buy my new expansion... I'm gonna take notice! No one person or clan is going to attract the attention of EA.. We have to do it as a whole. (and you know that or you wouldn't think about a petetion.) I say we organize ourselves and try to make ourselves known. Get EA to realize they need to fix this.. or they won't get our money. Now, don't you think we'd get some attention.

The expansion for AA is the last chance for the community to get anything from EA. SO unless you want to turn into the cheaters heaven... I suggest we do something. I don't want to have to give up MoH, for some punk ass n00b who can't frag on his own.

If you are willing to sit back and say.. oh... well.. its gonna happen anyway... let it.. Then you don't deserve to call yourself a regular.. nor should you be a part of the MoH community[/b]
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TFF Darkstar is Offline
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Default .... - 08-22-2002, 02:41 AM

The SDK is being release with the Expansion... ...

Remix, Did you not notice the 'suposed' aimbots. The only thing close to aimbots, hardly work, and only really log onto colors... which means u really aren't getting a step up.

The only way anything is going to be prvented is to get the community together. Thats all I'm really suggesting. I realize that stepping up and creating anti-cheats are hard as hell, almost impossible. But in order to have any form of community... we have to do something. Get EA's attention... AND IT IS POSSIBLE!

-- If I'm about to release an expansion to one of my best selling games... and all of a sudden the community for this game.. the people who ARE PLAYING it... say they won't buy my new expansion... I'm gonna take notice! No one person or clan is going to attract the attention of EA.. We have to do it as a whole. (and you know that or you wouldn't think about a petetion.) I say we organize ourselves and try to make ourselves known. Get EA to realize they need to fix this.. or they won't get our money. Now, don't you think we'd get some attention.

The expansion for AA is the last chance for the community to get anything from EA. SO unless you want to turn into the cheaters heaven... I suggest we do something. I don't want to have to give up MoH, for some punk ass n00b who can't frag on his own.

If you are willing to sit back and say.. oh... well.. its gonna happen anyway... let it.. Then you don't deserve to call yourself a regular.. nor should you be a part of the MoH community
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Default 08-22-2002, 02:43 AM


hes is our chat room RIGHT now.......scary thought

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kdja is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 03:12 AM

Sdk is out after the Exp Pack as a free dload.

They want to complete the Exp pack 1st before working on the SDK.

Ah thx EA we knew you wanted money over happy consumers.

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[oww]Mike is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 04:18 AM

I know Rudedog don't want us to talk yet another time about cheats and stuff, but to all you ppl concerned about them, I'd like you to know that clanbase, ( the international laddersystem, are devoloping an anitcheat program that should be awesome.

[quote:9f964]Some of you already heard that I'm working on a anti-cheat tool like punkbuster for Mohaa. I've been working on it the last 2 weeks for non-stop and it starts to take shape. The software is written in 100% c++ code.

For the people who don't know who I am: I made 2 modifications for Quake2, KOWF and the better known 3TeamCTF (3TCTF). I also made the infamous DCBProxy that allowed better teamplay for Quake2CTF by displaying team information on the HUD. I've been a programmer for more than 20 years now.

Anyway: It will be a couple of weeks before the first version will be tested and released.

The anti-cheat tool has 2 sides; server and client side. The serverside is a NTService. This service will enable or disable clients on one or more MOHAA servers. The clientprogram needs to be run before MOHAA and will check installed pak files and send information to the anti-cheat Server. The server will decided if you are allowed to connect on the server.

The list of allowed PAK files and checksums will be hosted on Clanbase as a XML webpage. This way all servers that support the anticheat tool will have the same setup because it loaded it default settings from clanbase.

However. The client side settings of console settings can only be checked 100% hackfree if EA releases the MOD-SDK code. I know from Quake2 that the server is able to monitor and check all clientsettings. I'm looking into a way to check them using development settings. If any one already knows how, please let me know.

The server side of the software is also able to monitor your servers and will be able to ban players on name and IP (range). A 3rd program is able to login onto the Anti-Cheat server to change settings if required.

I've designed the software to be multiplatform. So in the future it will be easy to support more games like Q3.

We will test the software on our DBD servers ( ports 12203/12204 12206/12207).

I'll never garantee that i'll be able to stop all cheating with this software. One of the problems is that all information is send from a client to a server. And we all know that a client can be hacked....


I don't know if that can stop the fear opf cheats, but it might help. Personally I don't don't think there are any usefull cheats. Sure there's norecoil mods and the brightness thingy and bright skins, but none of them are usefull if your aim sux.... And if you can hit what you aim at, you don't need those anyway.
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r3mix is Offline
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Default 08-22-2002, 05:04 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro

hes is our chat room RIGHT now.......scary thought
dude youve got to be shitting me.
anyone who thinks its necessary to specify "computer" would not be someone id worry too much about.

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Default 08-22-2002, 05:08 AM


or a smart one
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r3mix is Offline
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Default Re: .... - 08-22-2002, 05:29 AM

[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]The SDK is being release with the Expansion... ...

Remix, Did you not notice the 'suposed' aimbots. The only thing close to aimbots, hardly work, and only really log onto colors... which means u really aren't getting a step up.[/quote:3e6b6]

uh.... you brought it up.... if you know its irrelevant now why write it?

[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
The only way anything is going to be prvented is to get the community together. Thats all I'm really suggesting. I realize that stepping up and creating anti-cheats are hard as hell, almost impossible. But in order to have any form of community... we have to do something. Get EA's attention... AND IT IS POSSIBLE![/quote:3e6b6]

There is no evidence whatsoever that is is possible to get EAs attention or that if we did they would respond.

[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
-- If I'm about to release an expansion to one of my best selling games... and all of a sudden the community for this game.. the people who ARE PLAYING it... say they won't buy my new expansion... I'm gonna take notice! No one person or clan is going to attract the attention of EA.. We have to do it as a whole. (and you know that or you wouldn't think about a petetion.) I say we organize ourselves and try to make ourselves known. Get EA to realize they need to fix this.. or they won't get our money. Now, don't you think we'd get some attention.

um i think this will get as much notice as the other petitions have. also you cant really expect EA to be convinced that their Xpack will have poor sales. jesus without reading anything from anyone they could look at webhits for and know its gonna sell through the roof.

but you main point was that we should get together as a community and demand something from EA in order for us to support the xpack..... what exactly were we going to demand? that they just stop being a bunch of useless pricks? from what i can gater the idea is to just make a lot of noise about something but you havent decided what.

[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
The expansion for AA is the last chance for the community to get anything from EA. SO unless you want to turn into the cheaters heaven... I suggest we do something. I don't want to have to give up MoH, for some punk ass n00b who can't frag on his own.

well i cant personally turn the game into a cheaters heaven.... i thought i made it pretty clear that releasing the SDK for the game while not supplying patches for LONG TIME bugs as well as having no CD-Key online verification to ban players by would pretty much ensure that the publishers of the game did this themselves.

[quote="TFF Darkstar":3e6b6]
If you are willing to sit back and say.. oh... well.. its gonna happen anyway... let it.. Then you don't deserve to call yourself a regular.. nor should you be a part of the MoH community[/quote:3e6b6]

yeah suck me off sunshine.
that really carries a lot of weight right after youve told me this is your first post on any forum whatsover and your first participation in any part of the MoH community.

why dont you try and participate in the fucking thing first and get yaself somethin other than a 10min fucking interest in the matter before you come talk to me about how i dont deserve to be part of the community you just joined.

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Default 08-22-2002, 03:42 PM

OK Folks here we are ringside. After a blistering attack of jabs and left hooks r3mix has defeated Darkstar in a TKO.

Darkstar---> swordfight: <---r3mix
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