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jujumantb is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 01:06 AM

To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.

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Default 07-28-2005, 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by strvs
come on the kid is 15, you expect him NOT to be doing things like this? fuck, its like part of growing up. no way did the kid deserve to be shot because of something so petty, if anything the guy who got that mad over an egg should grow the fuck up/
He should get the death penalty

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Default 07-28-2005, 01:56 AM

Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.
If I was throwing eggs, I wouldn't consider dieing from gunshots as a consequence - Even in the worst case. Before I had read this story, I doubt it would have even been a possibility in my head. oOo:

Talk all you want about how stupid these kids were, but what that guy did was VERY extreme and kind of psychotic. They didn't deserve death for it. Just an ass-whipping.
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Default 07-28-2005, 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.
If I was throwing eggs, I wouldn't consider dieing from gunshots as a consequence - Even in the worst case. Before I had read this story, I doubt it would have even been a possibility in my head. oOo:

Talk all you want about how stupid these kids were, but what that guy did was VERY extreme and kind of psychotic. They didn't deserve death for it. Just an ass-whipping.
Exactly what i wanted to say, but im retarted and cant put words onto paper...or in this case the internetz

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Default 07-28-2005, 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.
If I was throwing eggs, I wouldn't consider dieing from gunshots as a consequence - Even in the worst case. Before I had read this story, I doubt it would have even been a possibility in my head. oOo:

Talk all you want about how stupid these kids were, but what that guy did was VERY extreme and kind of psychotic. They didn't deserve death for it. Just an ass-whipping.
Exactly what i wanted to say, but im retarted and cant put words onto paper...or in this case the internetz
loooool beer:
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eeves is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 02:04 AM

Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.

whenever i do a prank the worst i can think of its getting caught by the cops or getting my ass kicked not getting shot ......

ps. wtf...."kids friend: man i feel so bad for my friends death ...i feel like i shot him" oOo: they might feel guilt but guilt as a friend who lost another but not as in killing him.
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Default 07-28-2005, 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by M79
Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by KTOG all are a bunch of angels oOo:

I've done a lot worse to a car and gotten away with it.
exactly, i bet everyone here who has some kind of a life has done much worse than just egging a car
and probably deserved something severe in return also. the kid was 15, old enough to know what the fuck he was doing. i say he got what was coming to him. the egg itself could have as mentioned before, gotten in the drivers eye, caused damage to the eye, or the driver could have crashed and burned. no one then would have said shit about the kids egging him right? those other kids had their friend made an example of and hopefully will learn to act their ages by going out and smoking pot and having sex instead of egging crazy people on bikes who'll shoot the shit outta them.
Did you even read the article? He KILLED the kid, you honestly think that he deserved to die because of something as trivial as an egg? You believe that a 15 year old boy, who had his whole life ahead of him deserved to die because some prick can't control his anger? Sorry, but i dont follow the logic here. Sure id be pissed if some kid hit me in the face with an egg, and he'd definitely get a good shitkicking, but id never even contemplate killing him over it. hake: Think before you post douchebag.
i read most of the article and i did think out what i wanted to say before i said it and still stand by it. the tossing an egg bit wasn't really that huge, it was the fact that the driver was hit in the face with it while STILL on the road. now what kind of fucking moron tosses eggs at people that are driving? seriously, was the kid stupid? he's not 7 or 8 years old, he was 15, old enough to know some things and have some common sense. the driver on the bike could have had an accident. oh i don't knoe, maybe screech off to the side and broken a leg? or worse, could have crashed into another vehicle and died and there could have been other casualties. do you not think about the what could haves? i think thats why the guy shot the dimwitted teen, cuz his life had been endangered. but oh well, i already stated what i thought of the whole sitution. just my opinion, don't get pissy over my opinion. like what i said? meh. don't like it so you insult me? then too fuckin bad. go away..

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Mr.Buttocks is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 08:07 AM

Don't throw 'em - suck 'em!!!
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Jimmy Paterson is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 09:38 AM

[quote="dr nein":0fdaa]Did they tell your parents, too?[/quote:0fdaa]

nope he just let us walk away
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KTOG is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by M79
Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by "KTOG":45c46 all are a bunch of angels oOo:

I've done a lot worse to a car and gotten away with it.
exactly, i bet everyone here who has some kind of a life has done much worse than just egging a car
and probably deserved something severe in return also. the kid was 15, old enough to know what the fuck he was doing. i say he got what was coming to him. the egg itself could have as mentioned before, gotten in the drivers eye, caused damage to the eye, or the driver could have crashed and burned. no one then would have said shit about the kids egging him right? those other kids had their friend made an example of and hopefully will learn to act their ages by going out and smoking pot and having sex instead of egging crazy people on bikes who'll shoot the shit outta them.
Did you even read the article? He KILLED the kid, you honestly think that he deserved to die because of something as trivial as an egg? You believe that a 15 year old boy, who had his whole life ahead of him deserved to die because some prick can't control his anger? Sorry, but i dont follow the logic here. Sure id be pissed if some kid hit me in the face with an egg, and he'd definitely get a good shitkicking, but id never even contemplate killing him over it. hake: Think before you post douchebag.
i read most of the article and i did think out what i wanted to say before i said it and still stand by it. the tossing an egg bit wasn't really that huge, it was the fact that the driver was hit in the face with it while STILL on the road. now what kind of fucking moron tosses eggs at people that are driving? seriously, was the kid stupid? he's not 7 or 8 years old, he was 15, old enough to know some things and have some common sense. the driver on the bike could have had an accident. oh i don't knoe, maybe screech off to the side and broken a leg? or worse, could have crashed into another vehicle and died and there could have been other casualties. do you not think about the what could haves? i think thats why the guy shot the dimwitted teen, cuz his life had been endangered. but oh well, i already stated what i thought of the whole sitution. just my opinion, don't get pissy over my opinion. like what i said? meh. don't like it so you insult me? then too fuckin bad. go away..[/quote:45c46]

Thats not opinion you want to flaunt oOo: If i knew you in real life i'd buy you a bus ticket to a mental ward.
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jujumantb is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.
If I was throwing eggs, I wouldn't consider dieing from gunshots as a consequence - Even in the worst case. Before I had read this story, I doubt it would have even been a possibility in my head. oOo:

Talk all you want about how stupid these kids were, but what that guy did was VERY extreme and kind of psychotic. They didn't deserve death for it. Just an ass-whipping.
I definitly would think of that as a possibility, I mean, ALOT of people are registered to carry guns and they do, alot of them (atleast around here) are hicks who are inherently hot tempered. You mess with the wrong person and getting shot IS a consequence. Of course it was an overreaction, but it was still a reaction, throwing eggs at moving cars could kill a person aswell.

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Default 07-28-2005, 01:30 PM

iktog, i don't think i was flaunting my opinion. just defending it since someone insulted me. besides, the majority of people here thought the teen had it coming as did i so you'd have to get many tickets. happy:

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Default 07-28-2005, 02:01 PM

Should of just shot out both knee caps so they couldn't walk for a bit and then drive off instead of murder...but kids like that do deserve a fucking ass kicking.

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Default 07-28-2005, 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by M79
iktog, i don't think i was flaunting my opinion. just defending it since someone insulted me. besides, the majority of people here thought the teen had it coming as did i so you'd have to get many tickets. happy:
Insulting and debating are 2 different things.

Also grow up and have a couple kids of your own and say the same thing. You still have a few screws loose.
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strvs is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by KTOG
Originally Posted by M79
iktog, i don't think i was flaunting my opinion. just defending it since someone insulted me. besides, the majority of people here thought the teen had it coming as did i so you'd have to get many tickets. happy:
Insulting and debating are 2 different things.

Also grow up and have a couple kids of your own and say the same thing. You still have a few screws loose.

As i've said, he deserves an ass whooping but in no way deserved to lose his life.. ps hellfire: mad: sleeping: rolleyes: biggrin: oOo: happy: ed: annoy: the_finger: cuss:

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