ugh, I hate charmin, But cottonelle = dreammmmm, give it a precise fold and in 3 wipes all major damage is cleaned, then I like to go in with either 2 more folders and sometimes.... YEs sometimes I send in a crumpler for extra measure, to hit the hard to reach regions.
I havent been a crumpler since I was 5. I dont know why you would, it is a waste of paper. As a folder, you can get in 2 sloppy wipes or even 3 normal ones using consecutive folds. As a crumpler, you get one wipe in, and your done, I guess you could try to fold the crumpled mass but you always are risking poop on your fingers with that method.
wait, so you fold it then wipe then fold the same peice over itself and wipe again??!?!
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
Be pretty hard to use toilet paper without your hand eh. oOo: Unless you wrapped it around something jutting out of a wall and slammed and grinded your gaping asshole against it.
I havent been a crumpler since I was 5. I dont know why you would, it is a waste of paper. As a folder, you can get in 2 sloppy wipes or even 3 normal ones using consecutive folds. As a crumpler, you get one wipe in, and your done, I guess you could try to fold the crumpled mass but you always are risking poop on your fingers with that method.
wait, so you fold it then wipe then fold the same peice over itself and wipe again??!?!