...is on History Channel Canada tomorrow at 9et I believe. I don't know about History Channel USA, you might want to check.
A bridge too far is a great movie. I ahev it on DVD, so I probably won't watch it, but for anyone who hasn't seen it, watch it. If your the least bit interested in WWII you'll enjoy this movie.
in the part where anthony hopkins was in the house near the bridge and there were tanks coming in from the other side of the bridge they used a rocket thingy that looked like the rpg from vietnam, did they have those kinds of rockets back in ww2?
in the part where anthony hopkins was in the house near the bridge and there were tanks coming in from the other side of the bridge they used a rocket thingy that looked like the rpg from vietnam, did they have those kinds of rockets back in ww2?
That was a british Anti-Tank rocket, cant remeber the name though oOo:
I forgot to mention that while I was watching it I was playing on the aa.com server on the map that looks just like the bridge they were attacking. Kinda cool.