dont know how to make a mod but i got a good idea for one have both allied and axis MG set up like an m-16 with an impact gernade launcher for secondary. I know they didnt have this back in WW2, and i might be askin for the imposible, but if anyone can do this u have my thanks.
swordfight: flamethrower: quickshot: comegetsome: M16: chop: bigzooka: swordfight: fire1: M16: fire2: zooka: cool:
Location: somewhere under the moon and just round a little
08-24-2002, 12:03 PM
you could probably do the m-16 by reskinning the smg but to make it different u would have to change the attributes to the weapon and maybe a sound mod 2...not sure about grenade launcher..good luck m8 anyways..
IT would be nice to have a skinned M16 but this game lacks the proper tools so that wont be possible to skin a exsisting weapon and trun it into a M16.
In WO II usually they had a special grenade that could be put on to the barrel of a special rifle and was fired with a blank round
[url:b4128][/url:b4128]shows the M1 variant, the Germans had likewise with a Kar98.
So you need a loading sequence for it ... and it isn't quick to fire with the M203 launcher under the M16
The reason y i posted this topic is because i'v seen mods witch can have other weapons besides the sniper have a secondary zoom and a seperate mods witch for both the the shotgun and the mg. to be gernade launchers. I'm saying if its bosible to combine these mod u might get an m-16 mod. i'm not askin for it to be skined, just to make the mod.
and by the way M@D CHILD like i said to u in the scope forum i was only puting a suggestion in for the fun of it. AND IF U DO NOT AGREE WITH ME THEN EAT THIS eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: eatthis: M16: M16: M16: M16: M16: M16: M16: