Originally Posted by 8thWonder
Why dont u guys d/l the anti rocket thing found on this site for your sever, whenever someone picks a rocket and when they go to use it, they have no bullets!
I would prefer they have 1 round. THat would drop at there feet killing themselves. See how long it takes until they change weapons, or start kamakazi'ing it.
Also the shotgun is more noob than the STG. Atleast withe the stg to keep it aimed right you have to compinsate for recoil. With the shitgun all you have to do is be fairly close and 1 shot will do it. No recoil, just be close. Most maps lend themselves to using it well. If they cant turn a positive ratio with the STG, they grab the rocket or the shot gun.
I can dodge shotgun rounds but its not all to easy. And even if i dodge a few from one person kill him and start off go into the next room where theres another guy staring at the door with one. It just gets old real fast.