[/quote]lmfao at trips' jokes...
Anita best advice i can give you is to stop, die or gtfo. Not only have you set yourself as a joke, but have show how low of a person you are.
How am I a low person, am I making jokes about peoples physical disabilities?
no i stated, if some one came to my house like arkan did, I would not have been intimated. and I can fight
both are true, well ever other post that replied to it were fucking dumb and stupid.
prove me wrong or shut up. you all are very immature to call names about a missing limbs. when i use the word fag or wigger them are just generalized insults, making fun of my leg is like me calling mr ed a nigger, i would be banned but you guys think its funny. how would you like to have your kids be born missing a leg, getting teased threw out school. what you say about my leg is bad karma, and i wouldn't wish it on any of your kids.
thats why i take no shit from any one and can fight.
so if any of you punks want to come to my place and talk your shit in person bring it on. like I said i am not afraid of any one gun or not.
My insults are not ment to really offend people as you can tell, there fuck off insults, you guys are just dip shits who need to grow up.