Originally Posted by Tripper
All you need to do is play it cool. Act like it doesn't bother you. If she comes up with something else outrageous, leave her and move on to the next.
Just make sure it's you that dumps her. That's what high school relationships are all about. There's alot more pride in being the dumper as opposed to the dumpee when you're both in the same high school.
If she doesn't pull anymore shit then maybe she seriously believed in her accusations....Do you think maybe she misread you? If you honestly don't then I'd say she was a crazy bitch and if I were you I'd fuckscram the relationship.
How much do you actually like her?
Yeah, it seems they've worked out there problems. Currently Merlin isn't even sure if they're dating still because they decided to take a break. He really likes her, and she pretty much explained that she was being a complete idiot and taking out her shit on him. Well, we'll see, I hear they're going to a renaissance fair togeather tomorrow.