I've been tryin 4 a few days to make a 50. cal Rifle but i just can't. Can any1 tell me where 2 find one, or if u could make i. Heres a pic of it:
Hi, im new here. In MOHPA the Japanese get to use the Katana (the japanese samurai sword) but the player doesnt. EA said this was because they wanted to maintain a T rating. Anyway, is there a Katana mod out there? If not, can smebody plz make one?
no there is no katana mod. btw nobody mods mohpa cause nobody plays it.
look, everybody who got mohpa and didnt like it has to realize that they dont hate the game, they just have a shitty computer. I only have a 6600 gt and 1 gig of ram, and it runs with everything highest as possible.
no there is no katana mod. btw nobody mods mohpa cause nobody plays it.
look, everybody who got mohpa and didnt like it has to realize that they dont hate the game, they just have a shitty computer. I only have a 6600 gt and 1 gig of ram, and it runs with everything highest as possible.
i need help make a mosin nagant rifle with realism and detail to overwrite the m1 garand in allied assault if thats a problem please reply thank you very much for listening