ok well im gonna go into my clans server now instead cause my friend wants to play. Its the RPF server if you want to join me. On gamespy just type in (-RPF-) under the name and you should find it. Its in obj. Also the ip is if you wish to go that way.
People often feel cheated due to ping and don't realize it. Watch.. The next time someone accuses you of cheating. Look at the ping difference. I bet their ping is twice as high as your ping. This game has a large yet suttle effect with ping differences.
If your ping is 100 and someone with a 30 ping comes around the corner. Your chances are slim they will shoot you instantly. And to you it will appear as if they new where you were before even coming around the corner.
Same goes with being shot from far away. It may seem like the enemy had a perfect aim. But because your ping was so much higher.. All the bullets it took to kill you seemed like a few perfect shots.
By the way. Theirs a really nicely done WaffenSS Division skin pack on this site.
[quote="Mr_nStuff":c65e6]People often feel cheated due to ping and don't realize it. Watch.. The next time someone accuses you of cheating. Look at the ping difference. I bet their ping is twice as high as your ping. This game has a large yet suttle effect with ping differences.
If your ping is 100 and someone with a 30 ping comes around the corner. Your chances are slim they will shoot you instantly. And to you it will appear as if they new where you were before even coming around the corner.
Same goes with being shot from far away. It may seem like the enemy had a perfect aim. But because your ping was so much higher.. All the bullets it took to kill you seemed like a few perfect shots.
By the way. Theirs a really nicely done WaffenSS Division skin pack on this site.[/quote:c65e6]
Totaly right.
0 is better than 30
30 is better than 70
70 is better than 100
we all know that and why do you think so eek: for the major part of people in their mind its : take the easiest way to achieve your goal, well thats a nice exemple of this theory.