i was playing on a server and i know some guy was using a aim bot... he always hit them from far away in the head and up and up close, i know this for sure, is there one?
The aimbot myth will go on till the day we die.....as for head shots from across the map....I have been known to get head shots on people with an STG and with the BAR. The only weapons this would be hard to pull off, well at least for me, are the pistols, shotguns, smg's, and bazookas.....oh and grenades oOo: Experienced MG users know how to squeez off one to two rounds at a time to get these shots. The only tool I use for it is a good reticle which has a red dot right in the middle. And yes I have been accused of using aimbot.... angel: I'm an Admin on one of the best servers out there and I have been witness to all kinds of cheats. The "aimbot" is the only one I have not been witness to. So lets pray this string stops soon. freak:
I can't believe you people belittling the others! You all know as well as everyone else that there are types of things that are called "aimbots" and their not the glasses. Sitting_Duck; If your an admin to a server how would you know if a person is using an aimbot? And yes I do believe there are "aimbot" programs out there that good programmers are fiddling with!
to tell you the truth i dont think ther are aim bots out ther i think its sum dumb ass's that make sum type of hacking mods up that better ther weapons and yes you can make thes, because i know of someone that does it but i wont mention names cuz even with it i still kick his ass all over.