Had some time yesterday so I decided to get my commander badge and try it out. I was up and running within about 15 minutes of messing around with the GUI etc and I had alot of fun. I didint think I owuld enjoy staring at a bunch of icons etc but the zoom feature is very cool and really helps with situational awareness and how an enemy commande might play when im ground pounding.
-biggest problem i had was tons of n00bs not squading up....FFNs...anyone else get off on playing commander and have any tips etc?
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
01-27-2006, 06:06 PM
same thing happened to me, i had no idea commander mod eexisted until about 2 weeks ago, tried it out, thought it was decent, then i found out the zoom command was like ed: happy:
the 2x points for a win is also quite nice biggrin:
apply to be commander...then page up to accept...i use the home key to bring up the commander map with all the options etc.....its intuitive from there...
I used to play Commander all the time, in the days when little fgts would run into you're arty and punish you for it. Commander mode was pretty fun though.
Espically in maps like Kharkand and Mashatur, were you can get large numbers of enemy soldiers to group up, and then just hose all of them with arty.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
[quote:37122]Command points are acquired through what your team does, not what you as commander do. Any time a player on your team scores a point the commander gets points. So you get points earned by a member of your team during your command divided by the total number of team members at the time.
The surprising thing we noticed is no points were awarded for any amount of artillery kills or supply crate repair/supplies. So you really only get points through your team.
Now if you make kills they are counted towards your global score. You can also gain badges that require a certain amount of kills such as the knife or pistol badges.
At the end of the round the commander also receives double points if he/she is the commander of the winning team. So scoring just 50 points can be double to 100. The double score however does not count towards badges. If you join at the end of the round and only gain 2 command points, and your team wins only the 2 points you gained as commander will double. So you would only gain 2 extra points for a total of 4 command points.[/quote:37122]