That was a really good episode, loved it!
* I went ed: when the camera swung 'round and focussed on
* Kate found Zeke/Mr.Friendly's costume. We now know that The Others aren't a bunch of dirty jungle-dwelling savages, and are actually well-dressed, clean-cut savages. Also, clean-cut Zeke talked about a "him", I wonder if that's Hanso, or some guy we haven't been introduced to as of yet?
* Alex helped Claire escape. Alex is hot. More Alex plz! (nudeifpossibleplzkthx)
* Was it just me or did Danielle seem to recognise the operating theatre room?
* The Henry Gale/Eko scene. I'm not sure what to make of that. Was it just a plain old confession as the writers would have us believe? Or does Eko think that Henry is One Of Them, and either a) He was giving him a "Don't fuck wit dis nigga!" warning, or b) He confessed to Henry so that -- if/when Henry escapes -- he will tell The Others that Eko is
good now, and they will come for him again. This, in Eko's mind, will lead him to Walt and the other kids.
* LOCKE IS ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hellfire:
Edit: * Also, wtf happened to the new hatch/lab? Seems like some shit went down in there. I wonder if it had anything to do with the button near-miss in the last episode? Maybe something did happen but it happened in hatch #3?
* Claire said that the drink Ethan gave her tasted sour; do you think Ethan jizzed in it???? ed: