Nothing at the moment, was thinking about installing COD:UO...
Do it. We can play together when they update our national internet capabilities here in NZ - I'm gonna be getting a way faster connection meaning a LOT less lag....So strv u cn t-bag me or chocolate nose me any day of da weak....
Do I have to pay for anything if I want to play Day of Defeat Source? Or is it just like all the other old Half Life mods where you buy the game and then download/install the mod?
Nothing at the moment, was thinking about installing COD:UO...
Do it. We can play together when they update our national internet capabilities here in NZ - I'm gonna be getting a way faster connection meaning a LOT less lag....So strv u cn t-bag me or chocolate nose me any day of da weak....
yeh yeh.. its installed so tell me when yu ready fo a face shootin.