Hello..I'd like to start off by thanking you for reading this post. I am talking to you because I HATE fire2: stg's. If you are fimiliar with our clan..we would say BAH to stg's. I do not hate the stg as much as I hate the people that use it though. I play on Crow King's Forlorn Hope(the best server! check it out!) which has the same old regular newbs that always pick the same team..and the same weapon, and the same spot to camp. These guys might as well have a sleeping bag and a tent set up they do it so much. If I'm coming around the corner and run into an stg camper, i can usually get them but in the end he has 30 shots to get me when i have 8. Give these guys a rifle and they're runnin around like chickens with their heads cut off. Oh wait thats incorrect..they're campin. I hate the stg usin pussies so bad i downloaded a mod that makes them look and sound like an AK-47, i thought it would keep me calm every time i got killed by one because it wouldn't be an stg...but the anger is still there. If you feel the same way about this throw up a post here..ill aprecciatie it.
Well the Stg is all wrong in MOHAA. I fired just as slow at as the BAR (about 500 RPM) It was a little bit more accuate than a SMG but nothing like it is in MOHAA. You shouldn't be able to hit anyone with any weapon (execpt sniper rifles) from some of the distances I've seen.
I love the STG, hell you say you don't you LIE, but I frown on its continoual use, eventually you get sick of the damnd' thing, Trust me, I am a perfect example, heh.
i lie when i say i don't like a gun with too much recoil/muzzle flash for my skills and that i find other weapons much more effecient? oookay...badscript bring back the roll emoticon
I've been using the Mauser and M1 a lot lately and I'm OK with them.
I just hate it when all of the enemies have machine guns and they act like they kicked my ass when i'm 15-10.
With the Mauser you have to make your 1st shot count. Anybody that can win a round with a Mauser has my respect. It's not the quantity of your kills - but the quality.
[quote="Gothic_child180":a576b]Well the Stg is all wrong in MOHAA. I fired just as slow at as the BAR (about 500 RPM) It was a little bit more accuate than a SMG but nothing like it is in MOHAA. You shouldn't be able to hit anyone with any weapon (execpt sniper rifles) from some of the distances I've seen.
True, but then what fun would it be trying to use 3 - 5 clips to kill another player?
Also if you play long enough you'll notice the people who are true "STG n00bz" because they are the ones who keep shooting after you die, when there are no other allies in the area oOo:
I know people are getting sick of the STG ,but to be honest in CKR it is the best choice when playing axis unless you are good with the KAR, which I'm not. biggrin:
[quote="Sgt Stryker":fd9a0]that gun is a freaking pain on the ears!
Also if you play long enough you'll notice the people who are true "STG n00bz" because they are the ones who keep shooting after you die, when there are no other allies in the area oOo:[/quote:fd9a0]