I went 2 years ago when I worked at Sony. Its an awesome sight to see and its a good thing it isn't available to the public cause there isn't enough room for more people let alone the throngs of Nintendo fan bois who don't wear deoderant. I got a friend at Obsidian who's going this year and I'm hoping he can hook me up.
Ithe throngs of Nintendo fan bois who don't wear deoderant.
On the other hand sony and ms "fanbois" are clean cut and smell of roses.
oOo: oOo:
hygiene maturity is positively correlated to the age range a console's average game is targeted at. Nintendo is mostly targeted to younger kids than the other two
Ithe throngs of Nintendo fan bois who don't wear deoderant.
On the other hand sony and ms "fanbois" are clean cut and smell of roses.
oOo: oOo:
hygiene maturity is positively correlated to the age range a console's average game is targeted at. Nintendo is mostly targeted to younger kids than the other two
Fuck me the old "nintendo are for teh kiddies" argument from 1996 never fails to get old does it? Games HAVE to have blood swearing sex etc in them, if not theyre for kiddies, at least according to sony and ms fangirls. rolleyes: sleeping:
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
Wtf my post has nothing to do with a ps2/xbox>nintendo debate. I own 4 nintendo console system as well as a DC, PC, and PS2. The whole nintendo section fuckin stunk to high heaven.
I'm working inside the convention center as they set up E3. There are a lot of Eureapons mainly French, British, German and Russian. They are still setting up everything 24 hours straight. On wednesday it's going to get hectic.
that makes sense. In 'Lost', there was a scene in Sayid's second episode where the terrorist was playing HL1, and I saw he was using a controller, and I was liek "WTF"
Ithe throngs of Nintendo fan bois who don't wear deoderant.
On the other hand sony and ms "fanbois" are clean cut and smell of roses.
oOo: oOo:
hygiene maturity is positively correlated to the age range a console's average game is targeted at. Nintendo is mostly targeted to younger kids than the other two
Fuck me the old "nintendo are for teh kiddies" argument from 1996 never fails to get old does it? Games HAVE to have blood swearing sex etc in them, if not theyre for kiddies, at least according to sony and ms fangirls. rolleyes: sleeping: