Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Sgt>Stackem":a2729
no matter who wins the Oils have the best fans in the league
Leafs > all
Edmonton will cry when they lose and riot...like the canucks fans did (well they riot cuz they are bitches)
Calgary was better...but still...they just wanna have the fan base the leafs have...but thats impossible./..nothing can top it...like the yankees in baseball.
wings > leafs. wings fans all over the country kthx[/quote:a2729]
Funny thing is...for the sport of hockey...first time canadian team can convert americans to like them.
If the rest of Canada wasn't so jealous of the city of Toronto...wed have more around Canada. But hey...only one city can be Toronto.
You should of seem the hate the west shown me in saskachewan...when I met up with that girl...her and her friend are leaf fans too so we go around and get heckled...and i just laugh.
fucking hicks.