The other day, I fired up MoHAA and went directly to internet play to go on my Fav server. I wasn't the least bit suprised when I saw it full. And then I went into my classic. Upadte Server: no... Update server: no... Update Server: no... So I had an idea at that moment: Lines. Someone could make a server modification so that when you tried to enter and it was full, you would "Get in line" And once someone leaves you are accepted into the server. First come first serve basis. Just a thought for those people who love playing on popular servers that are almost always full. The obvious downside, of course, is you dont know how long you will be waiting. You might just be better off joining another server. Just an idea to throw out there. -Ian Freeman
thats a good idea... but then again u could always go find a new server. but i know how hard it is to find good servers when u have certain specifics. too many power trip admins out there
[quote="aNti hEro":97645]thats a good idea... but then again u could always go find a new server. but i know how hard it is to find good servers when u have certain specifics. too many power trip admins out there[/quote:97645]
That's true, but I can't blame them with all the money they pay for their servers. I like the idea of getting in line, but then again, I've never had any problems. I rarely see full, and if it is I'm usually already there. angel:
I use ASE as well and it is a good feature. If the room is full, it says.. "waiting to enter" or something like that (I'm at work and cant check) and sure enough give it a min and the game will start up. Love it.
I only have a free version of ASE, so unless they changed something it should be there. I don't use the program that often though, so I can't remember offhand where the redial is in the menus.
It is built in, once you attempt to join a server that is full, I will re-ping then server every ten senconds or so, and look for an opening, All you have to do is make sure you are sitting back, and relaxing. Once it finds an open spot, your game will automatically launch, and you should be on your way.
Also, if the server is passworded and you know what it is, by right clicking you can add the password and from then on, it will add it automaticly to that server upon entering. This is a nice feature as well.
i dont think you have to set it up ... if you try to connect to a server that is full you will get the little dialog that says force or cancel ... just leave it sitting there and whenever a spot opens up it will connect eek:
You can connect to your favorite server via the console. Just bring up the console and type "connect xxx.xx.xx.xx" where x is the IP address of the server.
If it's full, just hit the console button, the down arrow (to bring up the last command), then enter. You'll try to connect again in less than 1 second as opposed to the 30 seconds or so you spend going through the browser.
It's better than a line because you'll usually get in within 30 seconds or so in the servers with higher churn.