No sir, Thats an ingrown hair. You might have what is a Pilonidal cyst.
^ Yep, quite possibly. I had one in Grade 8. Had to have it drained and stitched up. It was surgery, but nothing major. Still got my ass (no pun intended) knocked out tho. woot
If it's still there, go get it checked out. It's nothing serious, but it could get infected or something.
It's pretty much all drained. Kinda looks like I have a second, smaller, asshole. I put a bandage and some anti-biotic topical cream on it.
Apparently boils are caused by sweat that infects a hair folicle. Doesn't surprise me cause at my job , when I'm out in the wearhouse, I'm sweating alot and when I go fishing I sweat alot. Not to forget the fact that I live in Florida and it's the summer...