in this game I am always chasing the rabbit, just want the feel of me doing really good -- which that fealing rarely comes anymore, I am hoping it will return in Nov, with the exp.
But yah, some days i do awesome, and some days i do "good" but not great. it all depends sometimes, but once I get locked into to a 12hr binge, I am GOD, but then again, some days I do horrible.
Yah your right, sometimes you do just have one of those days.
Yeah we all have those days. Last night though I was talking on the phone while playing and I was absolutely DESTROYING the opposition. It was strange as I wasn't paying any attention at all on the game.
i remember one time i was on a map where i got 20-15 or something (hey thats good for me!) then it changed maps & i ended up with 1-19 some things just cant be explained.
I agree everyone has bad days - I have those days where I'm hitting folks - I just aint killing 'em. I went through a whole round getting mashed. I was quicker & in better positions - my accuracy just wasn't up to it. And, some of the guys who use rifles well can take you to pieces if you're MG person & not a great shot.....
I'm not a great shot so I use the mg's but I do have some admiration for the skill the rifle men (not sniper scope) have in terms of hitting stuff with a 1 or 2 shots whilst on the move or at distance..
I was stuck on the Axis side since the teams were very uneven in the Allies favour. I was LOST without my M1. I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn with the sniper rifle in duenkirchen, my mp40 didn't have the long range I'm used to in Algiers, and the mauser was hopeless in La Route Du Nord (which renders my computer useless btw...horrible fps).