dont u guys from the 3rd ID make ur own sigs? i mean im tired of seeing pics from other games with white text applied to them. i suggest u become more creative
Hahaha, look who thinks he can tell people their newbies or not, LOL. superdude, what exactly are you trying to prove here ?? When your 2000 posts ahead of me will you consider me a newbie and I dont post enough ?? Sheesh. Take a good long hard look at when SPF-15 registered here, FEBRUARY, you registered just LAST MONTH. And once again stop your fucking spamming.
------------------ Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.
only 22 now. sorry to T_Styler, SPF-15, and some1 else i prolly forgot cuz u guys are still too new. u need to have a t least 150 posts. then i will add u. but if u guys then leave after that ill take you away. remember, active memebers. u guys are active now but too new to be counted on.
All i have to know is the number of posts u have and the amount of time u were in the board. Here lets say u started in the beginning of july, its been 37 days since u started spamming, well u got 530+ posts.
530 divided by 37 = aproximatley 14
that means u "AT Least" spam 14 times a day.
The Keyword= At least, that means u spam more than that.