[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":0a8b1]Got the vid here: [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/6117910.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle ... 117910.stm[/url]
I'm not a puss I'm just gana miss seeing him in the hotshots movies loney:[/quote:0a8b1]
omfg1..hearz a pic of Chamberlain shaken mits wit hitler ed: this proovs
that Hitler waz really a top guy and the english are real bad 4 shure... oOo:
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":8c3a6]oora let me hear yer warcry! biggrin:
srsly tho wtf happened to this guy? eek:[/quote:8c3a6]look up information minister of iraq..