you guys don't look that much alike. I could tell you apart in that picture and I hardly know you at all. I'm not guaranteeing I'd be able to tell you apart in another photo, but I could in that one.
you guys don't look that much alike. I could tell you apart in that picture and I hardly know you at all. I'm not guaranteeing I'd be able to tell you apart in another photo, but I could in that one.
you and your brother are identical. im afraid to say hi to you guys on campus cuz i dont know which is which.
you guys don't look that much alike. I could tell you apart in that picture and I hardly know you at all. I'm not guaranteeing I'd be able to tell you apart in another photo, but I could in that one.
I don't think he claimed that they look much alike....Even though they are twins...I think he was just asking to see if we knew what they both looked like.
Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
02-25-2007, 06:45 AM
Alright you tarts!
Bunny boy centre & Travis on my right, not sure who the other randoms are. The guy on the decks behind us in the red/stripe shirt is Judge Jules, top BBC Radio1 DJ & Ibiza chappie, I managed to blag my way up to the decks & shake his hand rock: rock:
It was a great night, we were listening to JJ on Radio1 in Brighton 5 minutes before & then they flew him down to our local club & that's where this pic is from. I've got quite a few pics from Friday I'll put up too as I was out partying in London beer: