Sorry tripper, did not mean to blow that part out of proportion, it was only one or two lines mixed in with all the N talk. Which is the main issue I have.
No biggy on your part, I just like to point out that diva and a couple others are actual women. We always assume this is a guys only sport. I guess I notice more because I have two daughters so I pay closer attention to that then most do.
Carry on guys , just try and keep it some what civil on the chat side of things, thanks.
Hey, I didn't mention anything about the members being on any type of controlled subsistences while chatting...... Man some of you guys and gals need to take the Britny route and get some help
Got it guys thanks for explaining and letting me know who might have said the stuff and why.
Just so you know, the logs are very hard to read (hell the program only cost me $5 bucks). I can't even put things together to see if anyone was having a conversion half the time.
Just please watch the language especially if someone enters and you don't recognize their nic.
Also if someone asks to cut the BS please oblige them
if you guys like the chat room I can add the MP3 player and Web radio station plug in and I'm even looking into a web cam chat... but that scares the shit out of me....I can only imagine what will be shown.... OK let's skip the web cam for now.