This thread is to remember the members of these forums, who have passed away for what ever reason. - - A big thanks to Arkan]for the idea.
Rules of the thread are simple......RESPECTFULLY talk about the person and remember them. It's a way to memorialize them and to let them know, they're in our thoughts.
I've been thinking alot about KK (Thomas Barbieri) these past few days. We had an addition to Sunday's paper which had the faces of the brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice during this conflict, and i found myself looking at KK's for awhile. I'm glad i got a chance to know this honorable guy. May he rest in peace knowing his service won't be forgotten.
This is why you can never forget about these people. Sometimes we get away from it. It seems so far away to us if were not involved or don't have any direct connection. And then one day something changes, as it did recently here. We all understand the fragility of life, and why we mustn't forget about anyone, no matter their views or creed.
I didn't really know KK that much, although we talked about mustangs a few times...This is the closest I have been to an Iraq war in peace bro.
Every so often a level of wonder emerges from the AA pool that impresses me to no end.
Job well done Rude & Arkan, job well done.
There were often a good group of soldiers running around AA, and the gaming world in general, and to know some of these guys then lose them is heartbreaking.
You will be missed KK.