Another failed attempt to meet Bucknub -
07-04-2007, 04:23 PM
I spent the day in Toronto today, I was nice to drive through the city. I need to go there again but spend more time looking at shit.
Well I was coming home and decided to visit Bucknub at work. I get to A&P and head back to the bakery section and don't see him, so I asked this lady back there
annoy: - Lady
cry: - me
cry: - Hello, I was wondering if I could talk to Chris, he works in the bakery department.
annoy: - Chris? (I could tell she is trying to get a last name from me)
cry: - Chris, he works in the bakery department.
annoy: - Oh, Chris (last name) I don't know if he is back there, let me check
annoy: - (she comes back) He's working the 7-11 shift this week.
cry: - I'm from out of town, is there any way you could give me his phone number.
annoy: - its against company policies to give you that information, he might be at home you should try there. (Like I know where he lives *or do I?* biggrin: ) I don't know where you live Buck, but if I did I would have went there
I was going to ask her to leave you a message. "Tell him that my test results came back positive, and he should get himself checked out." But you never know, you could get fire or something so I just left happy:
So I left cry:
Shit man, you work weird hours. I have 3 weeks off I will find you during one of those weeks biggrin: