I have just made a skin but dont have a program that i can save as a .dds so how can i get my skin to work in mohaa? If its a button where is it located? Or is there a program that i can save my skin as a .dds?
Its a very simple process. Get ahold of Photoshop 6.0 or higher and find the .dds plugin. It lets you convert any tga files into a dds format so your textures can be viewed with texture compression enabled. Simple.
Ok i found the DXT tools from Nvidia and it works on Photoshop AND paintshop pro but when i try to put the dds.8bi in the place that it tells me to my photoshop says somthing about a missing file, then starts up but i cant save as .dds
ok if you havnt gotten it to work yet..then this is your problem you have to download the compression tools not just the plugin,,because the tools come with the thumbnail viewer which contains the mdvcr70.dll file that you are missing and i believe that is what error is popping up when you start photoshop that dll file needs to be placed in your windows/system