I really don't see how anyone can possibly play this game on anything higher than Medium.
That Raining Blood vid was absolutely retarded.
I agree, on medium i have enough trouble once you get into songs such as The Allman Brothers - Jessica and Hearts -Crazy on you (except its gay because with Crazy on you you play the acoustic and the electric, it makes you switch between both which is gay.)
my roommate has beaten every song in GH2 on expert INCLUDING "Jordan" but just barely. He's waiting to get some money but then he's going to buy GH3. I'm pretty excited, there are some sweet songs on their. I have to say I'm the most excited for "Pride and Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Pride and Joy was a blast to play on expert.
BTW, I went for a run on One earlier and got 92% 5*. Pisses me off I didn't get the FC, but I suppose that is probably impossible for that song unless you have ridiculously fast fingers. I think I got 86% on Solo A (the Jesus mode part)
True story about playing One. I have a friend who's kind of a quiet guy, really sticks to himself. In HS all he really did was sit in his room and play guitar. He was, and still is, really quite fucking good. Anyways , during the talent show in HS me and him got stuck doing backstage shit for extra credit. During this adventure, some dude bro kid was trying to play some shitty ass Blink182 song and was sucking more ass then a 3 dollar whore. My friend kind of snickered and the dude bro got really pissed and told him to do better. My friend calmly walked over, took the guitar and flipped it around (he's left handed). He sat there and played the whole song of One upside down , including the solo. Was probally the most tits thing I've seen to this day still.
That just proves that Guitar Hero is WAY harder than playing the songs on a real guitar. That section of the solo in "One" is probably the easiest part of the whole solo, as it's just tapping.
Having to trill and pick all those notes in GH is fucked up. I guess I'm just jealous of superior GH skills. I can barely get by on medium. Even then, my wrist cramps up and I feel like slinging that little red SG through the fucking TV.
Zone, for that section of the solo you don't HAVE to pick the notes. They are hammer ons/pull offs, but I wouldn't recommend trying not to pick the notes, since you'd need remarkable precision in your hammer ons as to not break the chain. I just strum really fast and hopefully move my fingers fast enough to hit the notes.
But you're right, playing that on a real guitar is technically easier, but not as simple. What I mean by that is, on GH, you've just got 5 frets to push on one string basically. on a real guitar, you have so many more possibilities that it takes a LOT more practice IMO.
i've been playin git here and there at other peoples houses. i'm good on medium, but i don't have the game so learning the hand movements on hard for the extra note is a bitch. my friend can play raining blood on expert; it's pretty ridiculous how people can take in information and react at such an insane speed.
That just proves that Guitar Hero is WAY harder than playing the songs on a real guitar. That section of the solo in "One" is probably the easiest part of the whole solo, as it's just tapping.
Having to trill and pick all those notes in GH is fucked up. I guess I'm just jealous of superior GH skills. I can barely get by on medium. Even then, my wrist cramps up and I feel like slinging that little red SG through the fucking TV.
Ive a cousin that plays this and ive watched him a few times, i don't really get the point of it if playing some of the songs are harder in game than on an actual real guitar. Never actually played it though, just seems like a random button mashing game evolved to sequential button mashing.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
Ive a cousin that plays this and ive watched him a few times, i don't really get the point of it if playing some of the songs are harder in game than on an actual real guitar. Never actually played it though, just seems like a random button mashing game evolved to sequential button mashing.