In that bbc documentary it (the crazy whore) states they spend around 200k a year in plane flights to go and picket funerals. Id love to know where the fuck the money comes from to do that.
Yeah i remember that. They are fucking retards, plan and simple. They all do not deserve to live. There are few people or things i hate and despise but these people i really do wish would die. Fuck i would love to even destroy one of them.
In His compassion, for the last 17 years, God has sent His servants – the apple of His eye -
from this humble little church, to warn you DAILY to flee from the wrath to come. You –
Doomed America – have mocked, vilified, prosecuted, persecuted, sued, and otherwise
abused His ambassadors (
2Chronicles 36:16). You have done it despite all of your laws, and
your great flowery words about freedom! You have done it against your own interest, Doomed
America! You have tried to destroy the church of God, misusing all of the powers of
government, even while God has daily sent you adumbrations of His wrath. You have torn to
shreds the First Amendment, in an effort to silence the Word of God, which reeks of death to
you! (2Corinthians 2:16)
Through all of these efforts, you have accomplished only one thing – your dark, hateful hearts
have been hardened by the God that made you, and put the breath of life into your nostrils.
The standard of God has not changed! Your children, whom God has bereaved you of, are
still dead, and more are slaughtered each day! America is still doomed! Katrina still
happened! California is still on fire! Dramatically worse, and more is coming! What you did
NOT do is silence the preaching of God’s servants in the earth! We will continue to warn you
of your impending doom as long as our God gives us breath. Not only did you fail to stop
our preaching, but our message has gone forth to the ENTIRE WORLD on this day,
because of your folly, like never before! Thank God for the $10.9 Million Verdict!
It be a victory apparently
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
I believe it was this group of wackos that prompted the creation of the Patriot Guard. A bunch of veterans and civilians will line the funeral route with motorcycles and block these protestors from view.
These people showed up at a funeral for a friend my father grew up with. He was Army special forces on his 3rd tour in Afghanistan and was killed. They had a huge funeral for him in his hometown.
These twats came down with their signs and everything. MA State police ended up making them stay in this very small area nearby, and blocked their view by having the mounted troopers back their horses asses up right in front of them.
These people showed up at a funeral for a friend my father grew up with. He was Army special forces on his 3rd tour in Afghanistan and was killed. They had a huge funeral for him in his hometown.
These twats came down with their signs and everything. MA State police ended up making them stay in this very small area nearby, and blocked their view by having the mounted troopers back their horses asses up right in front of them.
lol, i would have made my horse diarrhea all over them.
MA State police ended up making them stay in this very small area nearby, and blocked their view by having the mounted troopers back their horses asses up right in front of them.