Got to thinking....we should have a sending off for Milla sometime before he goes to Iraq in March. I'm thinking NYC for a night of drinking and banging chicks in the ass Fluffy style.
Yeah well i was going to make a thread about it letting you guys know what was up but since arkan made this i might as well include what i want to say in here.
Start off by my full name, in case (god forbid) something happens to me and you guys don't hear from me by next year sometime and wonder what happened to me like our brother KK. My full name is Brandon T. Patsos. I'm sure you guys can search some databases for KIA if it comes to that if you haven't heard form me in a long time. They have internet cafe's and shit over there and i dont know how much time i will be able to hop on and send out word. I'll mostly be getting on to drop emails to my parents and my girlfriend so im not sure i'll be able to get on here often and let you know how i am doing, especially being in a combat unit, we usually don't have a lot of time to go to the internet cafe.
I am deploying with 2nd LAR out of Camp Lejune I am being activated Dec 3rd and am doing a 3 month work up training with them down in Lejune and 29 Palms until about the end of February. Than in the beginning of March fly over to Anbar, Iraq for around 7 months. I should be back in my house by the beginning of November 08' at the latest. Should be arriving back in the states in October of 08'. Basically what i am saying is for all intensive purposes, I probably will not be posting on here starting December 3rd.
Like i said before, May God keep you safe brother, Semper FI! Your in my prayers Milla, already lost 2 fellow Marines in my life, don't want to hear about you. Good luck and GET SOME.
Keep your head out of your ass and your guard up. I think I speak for most of the American homos on this board when I say that I'm proud of you military pukes regardless of what we think of the politics of the war. Stay safe.