A kick ass Lego tower I built last year. Made of 500 Lego's and stand over 6 feet tall. It was built around inter-connected markers for stability and was able to stand unassisted for several minutes before the kid in the gray shirt came over with a toy dinosaur and Godzillad my creation.
Ironically, I've been on a Foster's kick as of late. Usually get a 12 pack and two pints of Foster's and I'm set for the night. I don't think I've heard of Carling. Will have to get it next time I'm at a good bar or liquor store.
What about some beer I've heard of called like Tennants or something to that nature.
Carlings is the shit, love that stuff. Really sucks you cant get it here in Sweden. Carlings Zero (or atleast I think thats the name of it) was insane, really fit a chili at the pub perfectly.
A kick ass Lego tower I built last year. Made of 500 Lego's and stand over 6 feet tall. It was built around inter-connected markers for stability and was able to stand unassisted for several minutes before the kid in the gray shirt came over with a toy dinosaur and Godzillad my creation.
im picturing a bunch of crying kids just out of range of the camera, you lego hoarding dick