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 GTA 4 vid review |
General of the Army
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GTA 4 vid review -
04-25-2008, 05:54 PM
Suprisingly looks like the ps3 version has a slight edge in looks:
For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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04-25-2008, 06:08 PM
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04-25-2008, 06:25 PM
whilst your waiting 5-10 minutes for it to install onto the ps3 harddrive i will be playing it straight away - and other than gta 90% the multi platform games ive got are better on the 360.
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04-25-2008, 07:16 PM
fucking sick
best game since ocarina of time? any game that is half as good as OOT is good in my eyes
General of the Army
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04-26-2008, 08:19 AM
Now I have my summer plans set.
Command Sergeant Major
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04-26-2008, 10:47 AM
If you didn't like GTA: San Andreas or Vice City - you are not going to like this game. If you loved the previous two, you are going to be in hog fucking heaven. A lot of people are complaining its just the last two games with a graphical overhaul, and thats true - but like any sandbox game they just refined what they did before: Vice City was better than GTAIII, and SA improved on both of them.
The cover system is good to. Its not Gears Of War good, but it at least adds some "tactic" to the game other than just guns blazing (although its a little suspect that one can just hide behind hospital chairs and not get the shit shot out of him).
Also - the game is 100% funnier and better acted than SA (which I thought was awesome for its story): Niko is fucking hilarious, and so is Roman. The Rasta-Men you meet in the beginning of the game. . .make sure to pull out a Rasta to English dictionary or turn on subtitles.
Basically - its awesome.
General of the Army
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Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337

04-26-2008, 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by TGB!
If you didn't like GTA: San Andreas or Vice City - you are not going to like this game. If you loved the previous two, you are going to be in hog fucking heaven. A lot of people are complaining its just the last two games with a graphical overhaul, and thats true - but like any sandbox game they just refined what they did before: Vice City was better than GTAIII, and SA improved on both of them.
The cover system is good to. Its not Gears Of War good, but it at least adds some "tactic" to the game other than just guns blazing (although its a little suspect that one can just hide behind hospital chairs and not get the shit shot out of him).
Also - the game is 100% funnier and better acted than SA (which I thought was awesome for its story): Niko is fucking hilarious, and so is Roman. The Rasta-Men you meet in the beginning of the game. . .make sure to pull out a Rasta to English dictionary or turn on subtitles.
Basically - its awesome.
i'm sold, I'm buying a PS3 with this game.
EDIT: IGN gave this game a 10 for PS3 and 360... in the 10 years i've gone to that site, I've never seen a 10.... I'm so psyched.
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04-26-2008, 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by TGB!
If you didn't like GTA: San Andreas or Vice City - you are not going to like this game. If you loved the previous two, you are going to be in hog fucking heaven. A lot of people are complaining its just the last two games with a graphical overhaul, and thats true - but like any sandbox game they just refined what they did before: Vice City was better than GTAIII, and SA improved on both of them.
The cover system is good to. Its not Gears Of War good, but it at least adds some "tactic" to the game other than just guns blazing (although its a little suspect that one can just hide behind hospital chairs and not get the shit shot out of him).
Also - the game is 100% funnier and better acted than SA (which I thought was awesome for its story): Niko is fucking hilarious, and so is Roman. The Rasta-Men you meet in the beginning of the game. . .make sure to pull out a Rasta to English dictionary or turn on subtitles.
Basically - its awesome.
u played already?
General of the Army
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Location: Ireland

04-26-2008, 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by gtboys34
u played already?
Its been on dload sites for a few days now.
Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Location: Austell, Ga

04-26-2008, 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by geRV
Its been on dload sites for a few days now.
o so that link was real huh...i seen it on another site but i thought dude was bs'n
Command Sergeant Major
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04-26-2008, 06:38 PM
I got the game a minute ago. Since yesterday have managed to put 10+ hours into it, and am sitting at 20% completion (thats not story completion of course). So far I think it is the better of all the GTA's even managing to best SA which I thought was loads better than Vice City. As I said the storyline and the acting and the writing kick the other GTA's in the teeth, but it still is fundementally a GTA game. What makes it better is how much Rockstar has learned from their previous games, things are just more integrated and smoother and the "dynamics" of the game-system make sense.
For instance, most (although not all) story and side quests are handled through your cell phone: anyone needs a job done, they will text you or they will call you if its urgent. A text can be done at your leisure, a call you have to answer on the spot - very often your bitch or your cousin or someone will call you in the middle of a mission and you have to turn them down, affecting your "relationship" rating w/ them and forcing you to repair it (by going on a date or hanging out). Other missions will be had through the internet: Brucie will send you an email telling you that he needs a certain car lifted; the only way to get these missions is to actually go online - he wont text you or tell you to lift it (as part of this side-quest missions). Vigilante missions are handled through the onboard computer of cop cars, and now there are (so far) two types: respond to criminal activity (gangs, car jackings, etc) or hunt down someone on the most wanted list. I know the Wanted List is finite, but I'm almost positive the criminal activity portion is dynamic and random (it rewards cash from slain thugs and free ammo). I have yet to do any cab missions, however I'm certain that these are integrated into your cousin Romans business and is repeatable. So no more "hmm lemme just drive to these contacts houses or roll over the flashing circle" - its all more realistic from an "game system" standpoint.
Theyve also done away with that bullshit "drive through the stars to lose your wanted level". Now its more a mini-game of cat and mouse. Cops (in cars or on foot) show up on your minimap, and the last cop to see you forms a circle around your position. Get out of the circle, and you're wanted level (after about 15 seconds) will disappear. This is of course easy on one-star (you may be chased by just the cop who saw you commit the crime or responded to your crime), and fucking brutal on as little as 3 stars (the helis come out and they obviously can fly faster than you can drive. I've not gained (and evaded) a 6-star wanted level so I have no idea how ridiculous that is, but the armored swat cars and shotgun/semi-automatic wielding cops come out at I believe three stars. You can get clever though, hoping into an alley and ducking and letting the cops drive by before you make a run for it behind them, but they WILL call in backup and theres no greater blueball moment than outrunning them in that nice new car you got into all this trouble to steal, only to have some plainclothes asshole on the street spot you just as your about to cross the "circle" and reset the entire fucking chase. You can also your the Spray And Prays and run into a store to try and lose the cops (as well as starting a story mode to auto lose everything), but its easiest (and more satisfying) to just try and outrun the law.
Which brings me to the cars. When you first pick up the game, you will be pissed at the handling, if you're at all like me and are not used to playing racers that dont handle like Burnout Paradise. After awhile youll get used to the car handling, and will feel accomplished - only to get into another car and realize it handles completely fucking different and youll need to relearn that one as well (dont get me started on motorcycles).
All in all - great game so far, and I havent even gotten to any of the shit covered in ANY of the trailers (except two scenes), all the stuff with the blacks and the head mafia dude. . .hasn't even been alluded to.
Im a hardcore anti-buy-games. . .but if somehow I lost the ability to download shit, I'd buy this game, and the limited edition in a fucking heartbeat - just for the story alone. Nico is easily the best character out of EVERY GTA superstar (Sorry Ray Liotta). However, I've only spotted one "celebrity" in the game - Kat Williams, and I dont like him in person, but his shit in the game is hilarious (he plays himself and a comedian on one of the television stations).
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04-26-2008, 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by TGB!
I got the game a minute ago. Since yesterday have managed to put 10+ hours into it, and am sitting at 20% completion (thats not story completion of course). So far I think it is the better of all the GTA's even managing to best SA which I thought was loads better than Vice City. As I said the storyline and the acting and the writing kick the other GTA's in the teeth, but it still is fundementally a GTA game. What makes it better is how much Rockstar has learned from their previous games, things are just more integrated and smoother and the "dynamics" of the game-system make sense.
For instance, most (although not all) story and side quests are handled through your cell phone: anyone needs a job done, they will text you or they will call you if its urgent. A text can be done at your leisure, a call you have to answer on the spot - very often your bitch or your cousin or someone will call you in the middle of a mission and you have to turn them down, affecting your "relationship" rating w/ them and forcing you to repair it (by going on a date or hanging out). Other missions will be had through the internet: Brucie will send you an email telling you that he needs a certain car lifted; the only way to get these missions is to actually go online - he wont text you or tell you to lift it (as part of this side-quest missions). Vigilante missions are handled through the onboard computer of cop cars, and now there are (so far) two types: respond to criminal activity (gangs, car jackings, etc) or hunt down someone on the most wanted list. I know the Wanted List is finite, but I'm almost positive the criminal activity portion is dynamic and random (it rewards cash from slain thugs and free ammo). I have yet to do any cab missions, however I'm certain that these are integrated into your cousin Romans business and is repeatable. So no more "hmm lemme just drive to these contacts houses or roll over the flashing circle" - its all more realistic from an "game system" standpoint.
Theyve also done away with that bullshit "drive through the stars to lose your wanted level". Now its more a mini-game of cat and mouse. Cops (in cars or on foot) show up on your minimap, and the last cop to see you forms a circle around your position. Get out of the circle, and you're wanted level (after about 15 seconds) will disappear. This is of course easy on one-star (you may be chased by just the cop who saw you commit the crime or responded to your crime), and fucking brutal on as little as 3 stars (the helis come out and they obviously can fly faster than you can drive. I've not gained (and evaded) a 6-star wanted level so I have no idea how ridiculous that is, but the armored swat cars and shotgun/semi-automatic wielding cops come out at I believe three stars. You can get clever though, hoping into an alley and ducking and letting the cops drive by before you make a run for it behind them, but they WILL call in backup and theres no greater blueball moment than outrunning them in that nice new car you got into all this trouble to steal, only to have some plainclothes asshole on the street spot you just as your about to cross the "circle" and reset the entire fucking chase. You can also your the Spray And Prays and run into a store to try and lose the cops (as well as starting a story mode to auto lose everything), but its easiest (and more satisfying) to just try and outrun the law.
Which brings me to the cars. When you first pick up the game, you will be pissed at the handling, if you're at all like me and are not used to playing racers that dont handle like Burnout Paradise. After awhile youll get used to the car handling, and will feel accomplished - only to get into another car and realize it handles completely fucking different and youll need to relearn that one as well (dont get me started on motorcycles).
All in all - great game so far, and I havent even gotten to any of the shit covered in ANY of the trailers (except two scenes), all the stuff with the blacks and the head mafia dude. . .hasn't even been alluded to.
Im a hardcore anti-buy-games. . .but if somehow I lost the ability to download shit, I'd buy this game, and the limited edition in a fucking heartbeat - just for the story alone. Nico is easily the best character out of EVERY GTA superstar (Sorry Ray Liotta). However, I've only spotted one "celebrity" in the game - Kat Williams, and I dont like him in person, but his shit in the game is hilarious (he plays himself and a comedian on one of the television stations).
nice review! I'll be picking it up probaly next friday along with another month or 2 xbox live cards
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04-27-2008, 08:47 AM
i got the game last night and so far its pretty good. the only thing i dont like is they did a shit job with the day time shadows.
Command Sergeant Major
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04-27-2008, 09:40 AM
is this coming out for PC?
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04-27-2008, 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bean 2
is this coming out for PC?
i think a lot of people want to know this, me included. I don't think they've said fuck all about it on PC......... 
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