portable mg42's,smoke granades,and much more. in all, TEN new weapons from ww2,over 10 new maps, multiple multiplayer enhancments (possibly keyboards over your heads wen typing to stop those anoying type kills)
a new game type called tug of war. where thier a series of maps and u start of on the map in the midde of the list and if axis win the map goes to the next one on the list in the direction of the axis. or allies win, it would move to next map on the list toward the allies side. once a team gets all the way to the end of the maps on thier side, they win.
and dont 4get the 9 new single player missins... they should be fun till u stay up one night and beat them with ease. then multiplayer will take care of the rest
Regards: Lt.Col.Racer 7th Ranger Battalion, a sister clan of the 8th marines.
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