Hey Guys! I have a good system, 1.8 P4, 512 DDR, 80 GB HD, 64 MB gfTI4200. I have never had any CPU lag at all, but recently, even with a ping of 50, when i turn my guy around, or shoot at someone, it jerks for a sec, then by the time it corrects, im dead cry:
Anyway, just wanted to see if you know whats up, so that i can possibly fix it! Thanks Dudes! swordfight:
probally the server connectino or somtin. I get that at times, just a little lag, skippage, and shitty server. O yea buy the way, I was in BHC once, it's alright clan just not that good. Bullseye is the shisznit though
If so check your IRQ settings and make sure these 2 are not sharing.
Other then that. make sure your HD is defragged and you have not installed any spy ware recently. Check out Adaware to remove any unwanted system hogging spy ware.
If you do fix your problem please post a reply so it can possible help others.
Cap your FPS at something thats just a lil above the minimum FPS you get. You can do this thru the console, although I can't remember the exact command right now.