I feel like posting my current thoughts on realism mods. I'm going to concentrate on the 2 biggest ones I know by name. Here we go...
First, the bad. Specifically, Ares5. I'm not quite sure why this was ever made. My biggest complaint with it is the recoil effects, which are, well, stupid. What kind of incompetent moron fires a gun without at least attempting to compensate for recoil? The fact that every shot causes more and more muzzle climb without bringing it down a bit makes MG's and SMG's basically unplayable. The whole point of those guns is to put out a lot of lead quickly. Sure, they do sacrifice some accuracy for that, but you should at least be able to aim at your target. Even rifles (especially if you're unloading the Garand as fast as you can) are affected to the point where playing with them is pointless. I think this mod is a disgrace to the term "realism".
Now, for the good. (I'm sure somebody here will be pleased by this.) CKR. Quite simply, playing on a server running CKR is usually more fun for me than playing on a mod-less server. The fact that you don't have to empty half of your magazine to kill one guy makes the game that much more fast paced and enjoyable. Also, I've recently discovered the joy of using rifles. I've found over the past couple days that people (me) using rifles at average range get some incredible scores. This becomes even better on CKR servers.
Of course, this goes both ways. So, you also die a lot. Still, as long as you're not getting repeatedly spawn killed or otherwise being killed in a cheap fashion, the effect is positive overall.
I think CKR does a very good job of being realistic but still fun.
I like CKR but there's one question I ponder. If the BAR is SOOOO heavy it makes you run like molasses in Janurary, why should a slug that weighs 1.5 oz. at best (42 grams) have such an effect on a weapon as heavy as it is alledged to be? The heavier it is the less recoil it should have.
I think CKR does a very good job of being realistic but still fun.
I like CKR but there's one question I ponder. If the BAR is SOOOO heavy it makes you run like molasses in Janurary, why should a slug that weighs 1.5 oz. at best (42 grams) have such an effect on a weapon as heavy as it is alledged to be? The heavier it is the less recoil it should have.
Realism Mods are fine if the server that runs them lets everyone know. e.g. CKR in the game name. I have been on countless servers where you expect no realism (because it says nothing in the game name) and guess what....
The BarryServer - {109th -UKA} and BMF UK clanserver are such a bunch of idiots.....
The bar in real life weighed 20 pounds. CKr and DOA's realism is about the only 2 realism mods i will play. As for stock well i wont touch it. Why? Too many shotguns on a map.
CKR pisses me off int he sense like, there is no reason to use a Sniper Rifle unless you fucking own in the game...like the STGs and shit can shoot you from a million miles away and be deadly accurare and KILL you in once hit IN YOUR RIGHT LEG.
Mgs are more pussy in CKR then what we ever said about rockets and shotties in stock.
ckr is great,but i think the distance for the axis machine gun is to far and acurate.i mean come on you can shoot as far as a sniper rifle with acuracy.
The impression I got from the news item is that it will be an option. Kinda like FF. A server can have it or not. It would be even cooler if it was a slider or something scalable.
And another thing. I just finished a CKR match where somebody said "SMGs should be banned from realism" or something like that. Seems to agree with some of you guys.
I've been moaning for ages about the STG44 on realism. I agree with the poster who stated the comparsion between shotties and rockets on the un-modded games. At least in un-modded you know if a sniper kills you roughly where he will be - he may get you twice but then he has your nade between his teeth. On realism though you can be kiled from anywhere with the MG - especially on a level like DV.
I've spent far too much time than is probably healthy moaning about the "realism rockets" and yet you go a CKR server and every player has one. Often these are the same players that moan about the shotguns on un-modded. And you try getting passed one of your own team's MG slugs on the stairs - nightmare.
when was the last time and how often do you see someone really own a server with the smg on a realism server. Realism ought to be called the anti smg mod