wanna kill someone? pick a person any person! -
10-08-2002, 07:40 AM
Ok heres a good question. If you could make any person in the world drop dead where they stand who would it be? i know people like ktog and other poaac members would say me but be original and state your reasons why you chose that person or thing.Can i help that im obsessed with death? biggrin:
nah although lining a few seems like a good idea it cant be done, me im having trouble deciding between bin laden or saddam. there just both assholes.............and by the way r3mix just curious, why opra?
oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: M16: M16:
Pfc. Green, if you want to get Saddam so badly, I'll let you kill him I'll pick the leader of the KKK or Aryan Nations or eminem instead, or line them all up and shoot with a Barret M-82 .50cal
Hmmm..... Why must one contibute to society. So, your saying a hermit that lives in the hills and survives off the land, should die because he is not contributing to society?
What about those whose contribution to society is worth nothing. Should they die?