10-10-2002, 02:46 PM
So many i want to kill:
The wierd religous guys who put their hands on peoples heads spill a load of religous bull, and then the person falls down or whatever. i cant stand those guys.
The people who think murderers, rapists, pedophiles etc still have human rights.
pretty much all boy/girl bands or popstars who reach number 1 with a cover song originally done by someone much much better than them.
pretty much all boy/girl bands and popstars.
creators of pokemon, dragon ball Z and teletubbies.
Trisha (talk show hostess who looks like a monkey)
The nuns in the street who walk up to everyone asking for money, or asking you to say Gouranga.
Brad Pitt
The hundreds of goths who wear the same black clothes, white makeup, fishnet sleeves and tights, and body peircings, yet fail to see the irony of it all when they still claim they do it to be "unique".
but if i had to pick ONE person in the entire world i guess it would be, a guy who i think has a thing for my girlfriend. M16: