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10-17-2002, 06:52 AM
Frankly im sure they work well together given the options that DogTags offers and the List check that Delator offers. I jsut hink its kinda a shame that an admin needs to run two seperate programs. All because one dosnt check for one thing and the other dosnt look for the other. Just wishing they came in one easy to use package.
I havnt looked at either program since neither is "complete" and i dont really want to suggest a program to our leader that may cause problems. It would be great if we could have the best of both of these programs simply running in the background, not annoucing anything. Simply kicking people for "cheat" skins.
Also i was wondering how easy it was to update Delator's list of "cheat" skins? Say i find a user using a skin thats not in that list, but upon my review i find it to be a "cheat" skin. How can i add that to the kick list on a dedicated server?
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10-17-2002, 07:02 AM
Well, that's really easy, the skin list is nothing but a txt file, and you have even a link on delator to open that file in notepad, so you just have to type the skin name and save the doc (check the first page on the thread for a screenshot of what delator looks like).
As a server admin, I agree that it would be great to have many programs bundled into one pack. I don't mind losing any credit on it. However, DogTag is not VB really, it's a plain mod, so the only option would be creating a VB shell for it (which I already mention to DogMeat). Finally, Delator should be solid rock before thinking of mixing it with other apps which already showed his value.
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10-17-2002, 07:16 AM
Ok im a suppream noob at these these things so hang with me.
Grabbed a copy of delator and after playing with it a bit i wondered. Does this even have to be loaded on the server or is it simply run by my computer? If i have the rcon password and the server IP and enter all that in, its scanning the server even if im not playing?
Also what does setting the clan tag and pass do? If i enter the tag and a password will it kick everyone the next time a map loads like setting a regular password? Or will it simply keep open 1 or 2 spots for private users? Or does it simply work in conjunction with a private password i already have set with "x" number of slots that i set via rcon?
How hard would it be to add the feature of passwording the server to this program if thats not what the tag and pass do? Becasue i had problems with it the other night where rcon wouldnt accept the password i was trying to set and i kept having to kick people.
Ah hell im sending you a PM.
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10-17-2002, 08:04 AM
[quote:33e6d]Grabbed a copy of delator and after playing with it a bit i wondered. Does this even have to be loaded on the server or is it simply run by my computer? If i have the rcon password and the server IP and enter all that in, its scanning the server even if im not playing? [/quote:33e6d]
You can run it either on the game server or any other computer (with internet connection, of course biggrin: ). Yes, it scans even when you're not connected.
[quote:33e6d]Also what does setting the clan tag and pass do? If i enter the tag and a password will it kick everyone the next time a map loads like setting a regular password? Or will it simply keep open 1 or 2 spots for private users? Or does it simply work in conjunction with a private password i already have set with "x" number of slots that i set via rcon?[/quote:33e6d]
I don't know how useful it will be for other people, but it is for me :-D... that's the deal:
You are in the "[CLAN]" clan, so you set a password which allows you to reserve 10 slots on your server for people belonging to it. When Delator is monitoring the server, it will warn you if any player without the "[CLAN]" tag is using a private slot (for example: sometimes the brother/sister/friend of a clan member enters a private slot - Delator allows me to control how "public" our private password becomes; also, the players in my clan usually misstype the reserved password, so they are using one of the 8 public slots without even knowing about it . This way I can ask them to retype the password and re-enter on a private slot instead, cause our public slots are usually very crowded whereas is hard to see the private ones full).
You should setup your private/public slots on your server's .cfg file.
Delator has kicking disabled on the default config. It won't kick anyone unless you check the "Enable kick" feature. In this case, any player using a private slot without an appropiate tag would be kicked, as well as any player on a public slot wearing the tag (they could be impersonating someone; however I have never enabled this feature).
So, yes, it works together with the password you setup on the .cfg file.
[quote:33e6d]How hard would it be to add the feature of passwording the server to this program if thats not what the tag and pass do? Becasue i had problems with it the other night where rcon wouldnt accept the password i was trying to set and i kept having to kick people[/quote:33e6d]
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by "passwording the server to this program". If you mean the ability to set a new rconpassword/private password via Delator, I think it would be easy to add, but I wonder if that's what you mean... oOo:
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10-17-2002, 08:28 AM
I mean setting a password to close the server completly. To only allow those with the password in. like a match, or a private practice session. Last time i used the rcon command for this it didnt work. Thought it would be pretty nice since i would have this running to just slap the password into it and next map load have the password take effect.
Also was looking through the text files and was wondering what this was:
[quote:ff5f7]17/10/2002 0:41:31 Aviso: Uso de un skin no admitido - Player: "[CEAL]TCol.YoChoyLaMuete EM" Skin: tiedie
17/10/2002 0:44:29 Aviso: Uso de un skin no admitido - Player: "[CEAL]TCol.YoChoyLaMuete EM" Skin: tiedie
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10-17-2002, 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by Miscguy
Frankly im sure they work well together given the options that DogTags offers and the List check that Delator offers. I jsut hink its kinda a shame that an admin needs to run two seperate programs. All because one dosnt check for one thing and the other dosnt look for the other. Just wishing they came in one easy to use package.
I havnt looked at either program since neither is "complete" and i dont really want to suggest a program to our leader that may cause problems. It would be great if we could have the best of both of these programs simply running in the background, not annoucing anything. Simply kicking people for "cheat" skins.
Also i was wondering how easy it was to update Delator's list of "cheat" skins? Say i find a user using a skin thats not in that list, but upon my review i find it to be a "cheat" skin. How can i add that to the kick list on a dedicated server?
I agree, anychance that this program and AutoKick will be intergrated????
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10-17-2002, 10:24 AM
hey whee do get this at sounds good i dont need bright snipers running around well you can mail it to me if ya wana cronos2@ATTBI.COM
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10-17-2002, 10:44 AM
[quote:2a2ea]Also was looking through the text files and was wondering what this was: [/quote:2a2ea]
LOL! It's the spanish translation of "Warning: Forbidden skin detected. Player: [CEAL]TCol.YoChoyLaMuete EM Skin: tiedie" (hey! I'm Spanish biggrin: ). I think I forget to delete the log after my last tests (see date). By the way, if someone is curious, it's not the real tiedie, it's a skin created by me for testing purposes (the regular pilot renamed tiedie, I'm thinking of including it on the next release so that admins can do their own tests).
And damn, it worked; the second time I forgot I had that skin selected and it kicked me out of my own server! LOL!
[quote:2a2ea]hey whee do get this at sounds good i dont need bright snipers running around well you can mail it to me if ya wana [/quote:2a2ea]
See the previous page for a download link
[quote:2a2ea]I agree, anychance that this program and AutoKick will be intergrated???? [/quote:2a2ea]
I would gladly send the whole source code of a final, stable release, to CK if he's willing to do it (I think it would be a lot easier to embed Delator in Autokick than the opposite, Delator is a single VB form), but I know for sure CK was considering the addition of bright skin detection into Autokick (I think the next Ak version will arrive when Spearhead is released). However, if he's not interested, I would try to put banning cappabilities into Delator for my own use, since I think both programs can conflict if running on their own against the same server (not tried it yet).
Ops! I almost forget this one:
[quote:2a2ea]I mean setting a password to close the server completly. To only allow those with the password in. like a match, or a private practice session. Last time i used the rcon command for this it didnt work. Thought it would be pretty nice since i would have this running to just slap the password into it and next map load have the password take effect.[/quote:2a2ea]
I see. A very good idea! (I had a similar scenario one month ago: I executed a cfg which made all slots private, but the public players were still there even after restarting the server). I think it will be easy to do, though most probably the kick will be immediate or after a selectable interval (you press a button, console says "please, public players leave the server" and after, say, 30 seconds it kicks those who didn't left).
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10-17-2002, 10:47 AM
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10-17-2002, 11:39 AM
Nop, the app is english (well, my english; but, since warning messages can be edited, of course I use a spanish translation on my server. That's why the messages in the log looked so strange ed: , but the default messages and on-screen text are english.
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10-17-2002, 01:47 PM
Y: Good work man! I'll definately give it a try on my server.
Of course, coupla notes  On running both this and Autokick, I really don't see it to be a problem. Occasionally you may have one program not get a return result, but that should actually be quite rare if your time cycles are set reasonably. Kudos for making the skin list a text file also, good thinking.
For those asking about integration with DMz or AK, yes both are possible. Scorpio Midget and I got together a prototype player health/team/skin routine that currently just annouces the status of these cvars. I doubt however that I'll be including it in the next beta as anything more than an optional display routine, as I am concentrating on different things. Beyond wanting one program to "do it all" in an ideal situation, I don't see it as a problem having several different projects with the same functionality. Since most situations are hardly ideal, it gives the admin a wider range of choices.
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10-18-2002, 10:52 AM
Also is it possible to impliment a Ban feature with this program? I mean can you put it in so that if the same jerk re-enters with the same skin like 3 times they just get banned?
Also. If the person gets kicked and imediatly re-enters will they be instantly rekicked or will i have to wait the time period for it to scan again before there kicked again?
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10-19-2002, 04:47 AM
[quote:e2a8f]Also is it possible to impliment a Ban feature with this program? I mean can you put it in so that if the same jerk re-enters with the same skin like 3 times they just get banned? [/quote:e2a8f]
Yep, it's possible, I didn't that cause I thought banning a player for using some skin is just too much. However, now I think that some of the skins listed (well, most of it) are just plain cheats, so I'm thinking about it.
[quote:e2a8f]Also. If the person gets kicked and imediatly re-enters will they be instantly rekicked or will i have to wait the time period for it to scan again before there kicked again? [/quote:e2a8f]
The rekick thing is what I understand as banning (there's currently no other way to keep a player away from your server - the stattik banning method which I'm currently using means you must have direct access to the server). So right now you must wait till the next scan for him to be kicked again (if he's still trying to use a bright skin). I'm not sure how long it will take me to develop a new version, but if Spearhead is out by the time, it should include an IPlist of banned players. Anyway, the feature will be of course enabled/disable by the admin just as everything is now.
Delator 1.1 wishlist biggrin: :
- Ability to close the server to public players with a click
- Banning feature
- Run on the systray
Things to fix:
- Error 126 on widows 98 se
- skins working both in upper and lowercase
- skins working with spaces on the name
Keep your comments coming! biggrin:
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10-19-2002, 07:02 AM
Your list is missing a lot...
SerialKillalalala's Cheat Skin Pack,
SerialKillalalala's Invisible Skins,
MPowell's Red Head Pack,
MPowell's Yellow Skins...
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10-19-2002, 07:32 AM
Hey yocho great idea.
People out there really do take the piss, they abuse every single loophole in the game to increase their frags.
Give me a shout when its done and I'll do a write up on it on my website:
Medal of Honor: Multiplayer
Good luck! we need more soldiers like you cool:
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