Right click on your shortcut (if none, make one :P ), and click properties, and select the "shortcut" tab. then assuming you used default install, copy paste this into the target line:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\MOHAA.exe" +set developer 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1 +set ui_console 1
thin ice plenty of posts behind u and u dont know much lol......ok dont delete the files out of the video just create a folder on ye hd and move em to it......it works cos thats what i did the first day i got the game...doesnt effect the game neither as the video file is only an extension of the game as is the pk3`s we all use 4 mods..it can run with or without but this way no stupid video
Yeah cos its a piss off when my game crashes and goes to windows for no reason, then to get back into the game i have to wait for the intro to load and shit... FFS!!!!!!!
For those arguing with ThinICe he is correct.. You can d/l that stupid file but setting that + in the target is what you do. So before you call someone names or say they are lying either try it or ask someone else.
Yup indeed he is, except i get a locolisation error come up in console - i recall that never happened before, if it doesnt effect the game, then i guess i can live with it.